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Maui scenery issue


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Great day to the group,


I recently downloaded and installed a freeware scenery for PHJH and the surrounding Maui scenery, when I installed the scenery it looks terrific however the fs9 stock buildings and fs9 generic hotels are still there and in the water.


Anyone know how to remove these?



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I've just downloaded this scenery myself and will (test-)install it tomorrow to see if I can recreate your problems. I will let you know my findings via this thread.


Remark: Exclude files can be very different, ranging from between a single (default) object to be excluded, to (very) large areas containing many such objects. However, the sizes of such exclude files are all the same and therefore do not depict the number of objects being excluded.



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Doesn't sound like you use UT-USA. I state in the release notes that the scenery was designed for use with Ultimate Terrain USA for FS2004. "This scenery will not work properly without UT-USA and will leave you with default buildings in the ocean and odd terrain anomalies" UT-USA is a commercial add on. If you refer to the release notes it has a suggested freeware alternative with a link to the file library here at Flightsim.com.


If the freeware Hawaii coastline doesn't work then Tom's suggestion to manual exclude the objects is likely your best option.



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Greg beat me to it and I can now, after (test-)installing his PHJH airfield, also confirm his statements about you not having UT-USA installed. I don't have this commercial product either and was therefore obliged to create 7 exclude files in order to get rid of the default buildings in the sea. However, I will not be posting these files as I regard this as being something for Greg himself.




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...I regard this as being something for Greg himself.



Hans, I designed the scenery to be used with UT-USA so I'll leave it to users who don't have this product of find their own solution, as you've done.

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Another way of getting rid of the default buildings in the sea near PHJH is to install the Hawaiien coast line scenery. Search in the library for a file named: hwcstln.zip

Take care though and read the installation instructions carefully because some of the Fs2004 default files need to be de-activated and they all look very much alike so that mistakes can easily be made.





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