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I have FS2004 (12.9 GB), in a W7 machine with 12.00GB RAM. I was edting a panel. All looked well & was working. I closed the machine down.

2 hrs later it wouldn't start & gave a 'run out of available memory....disk cleanup, etc' message.


I've not installed anything new - years ago a new scenery caused this problem - so I assumed I'd done something with the panel that FS9 didn't like. I removed the aircraft but that doesn't help. I've looked on-line for an answer but don't see it.


I've put this panel in a FS9 (11.4 GB) in a Vista machine with 4.00GB RAM & it' fine.


My ? is: Is there a way of finding out what the problem is/could/might be ?



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These memory errors typically reference virtual memory - the swap file - not RAM; usually indicating your HD is low on free space or is badly fragmented. Also if you were doing graphics editing on a large file and the editor is set to save too many "undo" levels it can quickly consume the swap file.
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The C HD is 3/4 empty & is solid state. FS9 has been as always been as smooth as silk.

I was simply adding the switches ringed in red at bottom left to a 1.37mb BMP.


What's the swap file ? I've not heard of it before..........


One thing I should have mentioned is when I started the W7 machine it went into Check Drive. After the restart & started the sim & got the memory message..........could this be responsible ?




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That's a typical message caused by something which isn't compatible with your FS9. It could have several reasons. Either aircraft, sceneries, traffic and so on. Best you deactivate step by step your last entries until your FS9 runs normally again. Then reactive all these files or folders step by step until you get the issue again. It's a hard work, i agree, but you won't waiste more time than searching somewhere where it's probably useless.





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Yes, but all I've done is add light switches to a panel. I've added it to FS9 in my Vista machine & it's working perfectly there. I am becoming surer that the W7 disk check has done something to stop FS9 from loading. I'd added the switches & for 30 mins things were running smoothly.


I have Golden Wings 3 in another drive (E) so I added the panel to an aircraft in that & it plays smoothly.

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Run this program. https://crystalmark.info/en/software/crystaldiskinfo/


See any HDD errors?


Swap/page file is a portion on your HDD used by the OS to offload recently accessed data from RAM. It's used like RAM in a way for faster access to data that was recently used.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

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As a rule if the sim was running fine then suddenly got a fault, it normally is the last thing you installed or changed.

Anyway seeing as you have a fresh install test each addon one at a time, then if for any reason it gets a fault again you know where to look.



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I had the same issue as the OP but with Windows 10. My HDD checks out 100% good. The only thing I did was a Windows 10 upgrade from 1803 to 1903. Then FS9 won't start and gives the out of memory error. The only thing I have not done is a complete reinstall of FS9. I have an original install of FS9 from when it came out. I installed that on a separate HDD running Windows XP. This one has all of my add ons over the years. I back that up to another drive every few weeks. I have a love/hate relationship with Windows 10. I strongly believe the "upgrade" to 1903 is what borked my FS9 on Windows 10.
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The only problem I've had in the past 10 yrs is when I added the switches and the sim ran smoothly.

I think it was the unexpected disk check when I started up 2 hrs later that is at fault. I removed the entire aircraft but it wouldn't run.

The aircraft & panel work in Vista and the new FS2004.......................


I thought FS9 wouldn't work in 10 ?

Edited by gypsymoth
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I am running FS9 in W10, I can believe that the update did something, I found a way to stop the updates in W10 and it worked for a while but it seems MS have got round it and they upgrade anyway.


I have noticed funny enough my FS9 runs fine then after about 30 mins or so it pauses all by itself, I just press the 'P' key and it runs again, I this is from an update as it never did it before and I haven't added anything new.


MY FSX takes forever to load and that has now got this annoying 'Sim not responding' message popping up, I can leave it for a minute or two then it starts again, it never did that before.


I hardly use my X-Plane11, that stutters like crazy now and that too never did before.


The annoying thing with all this is not just me but lots and lots of us have spent many hours and money on addons and getting the sim/s to run as we like them only to be ruined by an update.



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Checkdisk runs at boot after an incorrect Windows shutdown. Because an incorrect shutdown can damage the harddisk or the files on it, including Windows OS files.

If you have disk damage or filesystem damage because of a bad shutdown there will be more affected the just the FS files.


( checkdisk after a bad shutdown has been part of Windows since Windows'98).

Edited by il88pp
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@gypseymoth, I was on W7 and loved it, I had a HD crash and had to install W10 upgrade, another story but I personally am not keen on W10 I like W7 a lot better and I agree with you and stick with it.


I still have my W7 disk but I can't use it anymore as I've used it too many times on other machines so I couldn't register it again and couldn't afford to buy it again, so my only option was the free upgrade.



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I am running FS9 in W10, I can believe that the update did something, I found a way to stop the updates in W10 and it worked for a while but it seems MS have got round it and they upgrade anyway.....


The annoying thing with all this is not just me but lots and lots of us have spent many hours and money on addons and getting the sim/s to run as we like them only to be ruined by an update.




In W10 you can delay auto-updates but not disable them. And not only does W10 update its own files, it will update anything on your system - vid drivers, print drivers, even entire programs - without your knowledge, much less approval. That is a dealbreaker for me (how often have you intentionally used an older driver or program for a specific reason?). It seems each new version of windoze removes more and more user options; W11 may allow us to select wallpaper.


And it seems a particular W10 update has caused havoc with many games. All told, I'll stick with W7; I will probably expire before it does.

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I still have my W7 disk but I can't use it anymore as I've used it too many times on other machines so I couldn't register it again and couldn't afford to buy it again, so my only option was the free upgrade.




Did you try calling the product activation number to activate? If it was a retail version, as opposed to an OEM one, they should be able to reset the product activation counter for you. Some people have also had luck resetting the OEM editions too, though these are meant to be tied to the first motherboard they are installed on.

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I'm 3 miles NW of Ibsley. It closed in 1947 & remember being on the top deck of a bus with my twin bro. going to Bournemouth & going past when aircraft were moving on the taxiway. I remember huge black yellow tipped spinning props & out-stretched wings with camo & roundels. We were hooked.

FS9 didn't have an Ibsley so I made mine. Steveo from Airfield Constructors Group made & sent me a tutorial using Sbuilder & Ade9 so I got on with it! I've made 40 or so.

What gets me about GW3 is the green grass............................

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