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Advice? Install in NVMe 500GB drive on C:, or buy a 2 TB SSD as D: drive?


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I plan to install P3D 4.5 and ORBX for all (except TrueEarth?) products for Northern and Southern California, Pacific Northwest, the ORBX global stuff; all the REX products, Active Sky and a couple of payware planes. I'm not sure if all these will fit in a 500 GB C: boot drive.


What would you do in my place?




This is a new desktop:

CPU is Intel 8700K

Windows 10 Pro 64 bit

Graphics card is PNY 1070ti

Memory is 16 GB 3200

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You really aren't going to notice a difference between NVMe and a SATA III drive outside of HDD speed tests or anything that depends on HDD speed. An SSD that is SATA III is plenty fast enough and it would be foolish to cut the storage in half for NVMe. I'd get the 1 TB SSD and then you'll have more than enough room for all your add-ons plus future storage space.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

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You really aren't going to notice a difference between NVMe and a SATA III drive outside of HDD speed tests or anything that depends on HDD speed. ...


Based on what I've read so far... the read speed on the NVMe is 6 (six) times faster than SSD (3400 vs 530 MB/s sequential reads). Are you saying that this doesn't matter with regards to scenery files specifically? I mean... the specs really don't mean anything? If they really don't, why do people buy NVMe's as boot drives instead of the cheaper SSD's??



Also, can I install all ORBX stuff on the D: drive (2 TB SSD) with everything else on the C: drive (500 GB NVMe)?


Thank you very much.








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The benches are correct but whether or not it translates as useful really depends on the application. Boot times will be very fast as it's primarily disk reads. As it translates to FlightSim, it's really negligible. The slowdowns in flightsim are usually NOT related to scenery loading or disk reads unless you are talking about a really low end system.


So no one's saying they are not faster, just that being faster doesn't guarantee better performance.



P3D Rig

I7 7700K @ 5.0ghz Asus Maximus X270 16G G.Skill 3600 15-15-15-18 2T EVGARTX2080ti Corsair 1000W PSU 1TB Samsung SSD for P3D - 2 - 256G OCZ Vector SSD - HAF X - Corsiar H100i V2 Liquid Cooler W10 64 Pro.

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Also, can I install all ORBX stuff on the D: drive (2 TB SSD) with everything else on the C: drive (500 GB NVMe)?


Better yet, you can install ALL of P3D on the D" drive with little or no difference in performance while flying, leaving the C: drive for stuff that MUST reside there.


And as Vic says, the faster C: drive won't impact P3D performance beyond the initial load -- even that won't be "6 (six) times faster" since the rest of the system isn't "6 (six) times faster."


Larry N.

As Skylab would say:

Remember: Aviation is NOT an exact Science!

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Better yet, you can install ALL of P3D on the D" drive with little or no difference in performance while flying, leaving the C: drive for stuff that MUST reside there.


And as Vic says, the faster C: drive won't impact P3D performance beyond the initial load -- even that won't be "6 (six) times faster" since the rest of the system isn't "6 (six) times faster."


That's very helpful information. Thank you to everyone.

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Based on what I've read so far... the read speed on the NVMe is 6 (six) times faster than SSD (3400 vs 530 MB/s sequential reads). Are you saying that this doesn't matter with regards to scenery files specifically? I mean... the specs really don't mean anything? If they really don't, why do people buy NVMe's as boot drives instead of the cheaper SSD's??



Also, can I install all ORBX stuff on the D: drive (2 TB SSD) with everything else on the C: drive (500 GB NVMe)?


Thank you very much.










The price of that SSD is ridiculous. Plus the fake spot review grade gives it a D. Not the product, but the quality of reviews.


Check out these drives.


https://www.newegg.com/crucial-mx500-1tb/p/N82E16820156174 Get the M.2 for the same price.



OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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