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A-12 Spy Plane and Plasma Stealth

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In addition, even though the SR-71 featured improved electronic warfare capabilities and never overflew the Soviet Union, it still operated in areas where there were very real threats from enemy air defenses. Blackbirds also flew over North Vietnam, for instance, and certainly flew missions around the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact allies, which carried distinct risks.



I always thought the SR-71 did fly over the USSR. Maybe the A-12 did?

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I always thought the SR-71 did fly over the USSR. Maybe the A-12 did?


Officially: never. Unofficially, well, lots of Cold War secrets have been unclassified in the past 10-15 years, but not all of them.


Soviet missiles and, in the late 1980s, the MIG-31 with its networked\phased-array radar made SR-71 overflights very risky. MIG-31s might not have been able to intercept SR-71 in chase, but four of them, at least once, did block an SR-71 flight path on the periphery of eastern Siberia.


To quote one historian's explanation: "Gary Power's [u-2 spy plane] shoot down spoiled the party."

Edited by ftldave
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