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Questions Regarding .cfg Files + Planned Failures


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It's been a while since I've edited any configuration files and I've forgotten some stuff.


1. I seem to recall there is a file that shows the condition (e.g. location & size of the radio stack, how various switches are set, whether the GPS is visible or not, etc) a plane is in when you exit the sim so that when you start it up again everything looks the same. [the file is independent of the panel.cfg file, fyi]

I checked the fs9.cfg and aircraft.cfg files but I'm not seeing what I'm looking for. Is it a data or xml file? Does anyone know what this file is? Am I misremembering something?


2. I made two changes to a panel.cfg file which were the location of the annunciator panel (position "2") and the default visibility ("1", i.e. "on") but only the visibility had an effect after restarting FS9. What's weird is, I loaded a different flight with the same plane and the change of location worked but it wasn't visible. So for the hell of it, I changed the visibility back to "off" and left the location to the new setting. I reloaded the default flight and the panel was still in the wrong location but it wasn't visible anymore. What the hell? In fact, I started loading a bunch of different flights (16, including "previous flight" and "UI generated flight") - all with the same plane! - and 8 had the new panel location while 8 didn't; but the visibility always equaled the setting in the panel.cfg file... except for my current light, that is. WTF? :mad:


So, here's what I did next. I moved the "panel" file to my desktop and loaded FS9. Naturally, there was no panel. I think I saved the flight (not sure) and exited FS9. I then changed the visibility back to "on" and left the "position" as is: "2" (top-right corner). Then I put "panel" back in the plane's folder. Started FS9 and loaded 14 different flights with the same plane. 9 now had the location correct while only 5 didn't (that's an improvement!). Now here's the kicker: for all but one, the change in visibility didn't take effect. For the one that did, it's my default flight, the one I'm currently flying. lol! wtf? :rolleyes:


I remember finding a solution to this problem but it's been over a year since then and I can't remember what I did. I suspect it has to do with the file I asked about in question 1 but maybe not. Regardless, what do I need to do in order to change a panel.cfg file for it to take effect?


3. On a distantly related note, what's the "show_ac_twr" line used for in the fs9.cfg file? I'm just curious.


4. I've never been one to fool around with the planned failure function ("Aircraft" menu > "Failures") in FS9. But there is one I wish was available: GPS, which isn't an option in the radio section. Does anyone know if there's a way to change that?

If the pilot's good, see, I mean, if he's really sharp, he can barrel that baby in so low... hee hee. Oh, you ought to see it sometime, it's a sight. A big plane like a 52 - vrooom! Ha! Its jet exhaust frying chickens in the barnyard! Ha ha! - Gen Buck Turgidson
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1. If you save a Flight (or have Previous Flight set as your default flight) then the data is inside that .FLT file. They are in the My Documents (or just Documents) folder, inside the Flight Simulator Files folder.


2. Flights include the position and initial visibility of sub panels (which override the panel.cfg file), so that is probably what you are seeing. To get Flights to change this information, load the flight, set up the subpanels the way you like, and then save the flight, overwriting the original.


3. Don't know.

4. Don't know.

Tom Gibson


CalClassic Propliner Page: http://www.calclassic.com

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1. If you save a Flight (or have Previous Flight set as your default flight) then the data is inside that .FLT file.

Thaaat's riiiight. I wondered about the FLT files but since I didn't have file extensions visible, dismissed them since they're listed as "Microsoft Flight Simulator Application". I could have saved myself a lot of time and frustration had I remembered. Thank you!


2. Flights include the position and initial visibility of sub panels (which override the panel.cfg file), so that is probably what you are seeing. To get Flights to change this information, load the flight, set up the subpanels the way you like, and then save the flight, overwriting the original.

That I knew but didn't want to do it that way. lol When I have a problem, I'm pretty tenacious in learning how to solve it and can be kind of stubborn about it (I was a math major for a few years before I came to my senses).


I just did a test. I opened two FLT files, one in which the panel is in the correct position and one where it isn't. I copied the correct coordinates from one FLT file to the other and problem solved! Thanks again!


3. Don't know.

4. Don't know.

Oh well. 4 was the one I really wanted to know about. I don't know why Micro$oft didn't think to add that as a possibility.

If the pilot's good, see, I mean, if he's really sharp, he can barrel that baby in so low... hee hee. Oh, you ought to see it sometime, it's a sight. A big plane like a 52 - vrooom! Ha! Its jet exhaust frying chickens in the barnyard! Ha ha! - Gen Buck Turgidson
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Failures are poorly implemented in FS9; there being no random factor involved - select a particular failure and you will have it on every flight in every aircraft until you disable it, and it is always a complete failure (you never have an overheating engine, or a sputtering engine, or an inflight problem; you never have an intermittent radio or weak reception).


The only way I see to simulate a gps failure is to manually turn it off.


There is/was a utility that gave some control over this in that you could set a percentage chance for each failure, plus that failure could occur at any point in the flight; though it would still be the default complete failure.

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Failures are poorly implemented in FS9...

Which is mostly why I don't mess with them.


...though it would still be the default complete failure.

For the GPS I wouldn't have a problem with that. The plane I fly the most is a Grand Caravan. So what I'd like is for the GPS to quit functioning forcing me to use other means to navigate. I enjoy long flights, especially over water and without a GPS it can be a little nerve wracking when you've got less than a half hour of fuel reserves. I like a little risk. lol


Sure I could just turn it off but the problem is it's still there in the back of my mind. What I've done in the past is remove it from the panel.cfg. But it's not the same as having it quit working. I was reading online somewhere that occasionally GPSs do fail in real life. But it's not the unit that fails but rather there's some issue with the satellite itself, which is only temporary. I haven't looked into the reason, yet. So I can't imagine what would cause it. Unless it just needs rebooted. lol


BTW, I see you're in Columbus. I used to work at OSU years ago and lived in Gahanna from '99 to '17. I also worked for Hertz/Thrifty for over 11 years and was constantly going into the airport. It's amazing to see those "fat" Southwest 737s take off into a good headwind. They look like they're on elevators.

If the pilot's good, see, I mean, if he's really sharp, he can barrel that baby in so low... hee hee. Oh, you ought to see it sometime, it's a sight. A big plane like a 52 - vrooom! Ha! Its jet exhaust frying chickens in the barnyard! Ha ha! - Gen Buck Turgidson
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