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Hi Max,


Sorry to hear that. A final suggestion....


Having taken a closer look at the file screen shots and re-reading of the thread I notice that you have changed the compatibility tab settings to Vista. As the stated min specs for the product on the PMDG website is Win 7, I suggest changing the settings to either Win 7 or disabling compatibility mode altogether and then retry the install.


Tried Win 7, didn't work. How do I disable compatibility?



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From the link I posted earlier you have seen that what OS you have makes a lot of difference. So, what version of Windows do you have, was it installed fresh or as an update of a previous Windows version.

Also, what computer do you have exactly. Model, make, specs, etc.


Yep, I read it, I have Win 10, that came with laptop. Looks like that is the reason why it doesn't work.

My old laptop had Win 8 originally and I upgraded it to Win10. And PMDG -400, B777 and MD-11 worked almost great, crashed in mid flight some times. I guess I'll have to use my old laptop.


Thanks any way,



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Hi Max


On the tab where you can select a mode from the list, just above the drop down menu list is a box which will have a tick in it. Simply click on this box to remove the tick and then click Apply followed by OK to set it. This will remove any compatibility mode set for the product.




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Is the PMDG747 still on your old laptop? I ask because a PMDGF plane may only be installed on one pc at a time.

You'll have to remove the old install first before trying to reinstall on another pc.



On the new Laptop, do you have FSX SP1 and 2 installed? Or FSX with Acceleration?

If you do not have SP1and2, (or Accel),

you can not install the PMDG 747.


You said you installed FSX from a 2-disk set. That means you don't have FSX accel.

You'll have to install SP1 and SP2 first. Then install the PMDG.



When you get error messages you are not very precise about what they say.

Be more exact. When you get an error message, take a screenshot,

and say what the error is precisely!


Also, make a clear distinction between "Download" and "Install"

Downloading is getting a file from internet.

Installing is running an installer.


Somewhere at the start you said you downloaded the PMDG.

Well, I ended up buying DVD writer and installed FSX, downloaded PMDG B747-400 but it gives me an error message

What did that mean? Because as far as I know the 747 can not be downloaded any more from PMGDG. Were you talking about installing maybe?

Say what you mean, mean what you say.




Longbreak keeps talking about "the downloaded PMDG file, but I still wonder...

Where did you buy the PMDG747?

Did you buy it from the PMDG site directly, and did you the download the installer file from the Iternet??


Or did you buy a Disk version of the PMDG 747 somewhere??

Edited by il88pp
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Is the PMDG747 still on your old laptop? I ask because a PMDGF plane may only be installed on one pc at a time.

You'll have to remove the old install first before trying to reinstall on another pc.



On the new Laptop, do you have FSX SP1 and 2 installed? Or FSX with Acceleration?

If you do not have SP1and2, (or Accel),

you can not install the PMDG 747.


You said you installed FSX from a 2-disk set. That means you don't have FSX accel.

You'll have to install SP1 and SP2 first. Then install the PMDG.



When you get error messages you are not very precise about what they say.

Be more exact. When you get an error message, take a screenshot,

and say what the error is precisely!


Also, make a clear distinction between "Download" and "Install"

Downloading is getting a file from internet.

Installing is running an installer.


Somewhere at the start you said you downloaded the PMDG.


What did that mean? Because as far as I know the 747 can not be downloaded any more from PMGDG. Were you talking about installing maybe?

Say what you mean, mean what you say.




Longbreak keeps talking about "the downloaded PMDG file, but I still wonder...

Where did you buy the PMDG747?

Did you buy it from the PMDG site directly, and did you the download the installer file from the Iternet??


Or did you buy a Disk version of the PMDG 747 somewhere??


- I still have PMDG -400 on the old PC. But WiFi is off on it. It should not know that I'm installing on

the other PC. I'm afraid to uninstall it on the old one, what if I won't be able to install it again.


- I did install SP1 and 2 on new PC.


- I bought and downloaded -400 from PMDG website back in 2012. I also was able to download -400

file from PMDG website a week ago to a new laptop. I saved e-mail that came in 2012 with ID and other information.


- I've read the info about Win10 on PMDG site and since it came with PC, that might be the reason it

does not work. I upgraded Win8 to Win10 on old PC.


- Here's the message I get when I try to validate -400.





Edited by Nightflier23
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Hi Max


On the tab where you can select a mode from the list, just above the drop down menu list is a box which will have a tick in it. Simply click on this box to remove the tick and then click Apply followed by OK to set it. This will remove any compatibility mode set for the product.


Okay, got it.





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To install you probably need to be logged in to your pc as administrator.


Also. Are you sure you are running a file that you download from the web from the new pc? The access is denied error makes me think the file you are trying to install is copied from another computer. Because in that case it would still be owned by the account on the old pc, and not by the account on the new one. You would then need to "take ownership" of the file before you can run it.

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Is your Sim installed in the root of C drive? C:\FSX


If it's installed to the programs folder you're going to have all sorts of issues due to its protections. Also, it may be worthwhile to install the PMDG software outside of the default programs folder as well. But read over all of their Win 10 installation instructions thoroughly.


The problem with your first computer may have been solvable. If you want to create another thred on that in the PC hardware section perhaps I can help you rectify what ever the crashes were. You really, really don't want to game or even Sim with a laptop. For one, a laptop usually just doesn't have the horsepower as a purpose built gaming desktop. Second, hardware upgrades are next to impossible. Especially with the GPU.


Unless I'm reading your post's wrong and you are still now using PC 1 and not the laptop.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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To install you probably need to be logged in to your pc as administrator.


Also. Are you sure you are running a file that you download from the web from the new pc? The access is denied error makes me think the file you are trying to install is copied from another computer. Because in that case it would still be owned by the account on the old pc, and not by the account on the new one. You would then need to "take ownership" of the file before you can run it.


1) Nope, I log-in to PMDG site and my orders come up automatically. I click on Order ID and Individual order shows up (-400) and it allows me to download the product. But as MR Zippy previously said, I might have to uninstall -400 on my old PC first.

2) How do I take "ownership of the file" if that will allow me to keep -400 on the old PC.





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Is your Sim installed in the root of C drive? C:\FSX


If it's installed to the programs folder you're going to have all sorts of issues due to its protections. Also, it may be worthwhile to install the PMDG software outside of the default programs folder as well. But read over all of their Win 10 installation instructions thoroughly.


The problem with your first computer may have been solvable. If you want to create another thred on that in the PC hardware section perhaps I can help you rectify what ever the crashes were. You really, really don't want to game or even Sim with a laptop. For one, a laptop usually just doesn't have the horsepower as a purpose built gaming desktop. Second, hardware upgrades are next to impossible. Especially with the GPU.


Unless I'm reading your post's wrong and you are still now using PC 1 and not the laptop.


It is on C:\FSX now, it was in program files originally.

You are right, my old laptop crashes sometimes because it can't really support the game. But it works and usually I can get the whole flight out of it. And I take my laptop on the road with me.

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He gets the error as soon as he runs the file. That has to do with access permissions and ownership.

Nothing to do with his fsx install location.


It will indeed have everything to do with permissions since Windows locks down the programs folder whether it be the 64 bit or x86 programs folder. Your "access" will be severally limited to what you can and can't do in the protected and emulated environment of the programs folder.


At any rate, he's posted that his Sim is now in the root of C drive. Next on the list of crap to check off: Winblows 10.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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2) How do I take "ownership of the file" if that will allow me to keep -400 on the old PC.


By far the best and easiest straight forward way that you can use to take ownership of a file or folder is by adding a certain registry value that will give you a right click context menu option to do so. The other method requires you to right click the file or folder you're wanting to take ownership of and select the correct permissions. I found it to be a major PITA even though it's a few windows in size and a few clicks deep. I just prefer the right click, take ownership and done.



You can read all this and add all of the registry values yourself, or just simply scroll all the way to about the bottom of the page and download the registry file where all you have to do is double click it and install. Once installed, right click the file or folder you want to take ownership on and you should see the option to take ownership. https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/add-take-ownership-to-explorer-right-click-menu-in-vista/


Before you do this, and I can't stress this enough. It is always a good idea to either A) Backup your registry or B) create a system restore point prior to doing anything with the registry. This is just a simple precaution. The registry value its self is very simple and shouldn't affect your "personal computer" in any way. You can even use Notepad++ and right click the .reg file and read the values that will be added to the registry.


As always, scan ALL downloads at Virus Total. Again, out of abundance of caution. You more than likely won't find anything, but it's always a good habit to scan all of your downloads. Even though you may have "world class" virus protection or whatever you have running there. Virus Total makes use of some 70 anti-virus engines and does in fact have signatures for government-based malware that was given to them by none other than the U.S Cyber Command themselves. Yes, it's totally true. Now based on the fact they use so many engines, you're bound to find a false positive here and there. So click the comments link and judge for yourself, and even then the comments may be bogus. I've downloaded perfectly fine non-malware laden files and the comments were utterly stupid.



Anyway, I've posted more than I wanted. Just grab that registry file at the bottom of that long article, install and take ownership. Hopefully that solves your issue. I do have my doubts because IMO with some backed up facts, Win 10 can be a major PITA when it comes to the old FSX or FS2004. Even normal software or anything else and the forced updates that lack real QC has been problematic for many people. I know because I'm a member of many tech forums and have seen my fair share of update madness help threads.

Edited by CRJ_simpilot

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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Originally Posted by il88pp View Post

To install you probably need to be logged in to your pc as administrator.


Also. Are you sure you are running a file that you download from the web from the new pc? The access is denied error makes me think the file you are trying to install is copied from another computer. Because in that case it would still be owned by the account on the old pc, and not by the account on the new one. You would then need to "take ownership" of the file before you can run it.


1) Nope, I log-in to PMDG site and my orders come up automatically. I click on Order ID and Individual order shows up (-400) and it allows me to download the product. But as MR Zippy previously said, I might have to uninstall -400 on my old PC first.

2) How do I take "ownership of the file" if that will allow me to keep -400 on the old PC.






What I was telling you was about the new pc and the installer file on that.

When you run that installer you need to be logged in to that new PC as Administrator.

First log in to the new pc as administrator and try to install then. Even after logging in to the laptop as Administrator; right-click the install file and select "Run as administrator" as well.


You also need to be the owner of the file.

the error message "Access Denied" shows when you try to run the installer file shows your computers account is not the proper owner of that file.


If that install file came from another computer it would be owned by that other computer's account.

But if you downloaded it it from the web it should be owned by the new pc's account. So ownership should not be the issue.

If you keep getting the "Access Denied" error even as Administrator then you can try taking ownership of the file.

(Maybe downloading a fresh copy of the installer while logged in as Administrator would work too.)


You should really ask for help in the proper forum.

PMDG does their user assistance via Avsim.com

and you seem to have various aircraft that won't install.

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