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Status of FSPILOTSHOP .com?


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  • 2 weeks later...

A probable cause and a possible solution...….


It appears that they are updating the look of the website and attempts to go to use the old site are failing...


Tried to access the site, via my saved browser link and via my password manager tool, and couldn't get on.


I then used google to search for FSPILOTSHOP and selected the top entry that google displayed. This took me to a revamped site which, although having a 'Site Under Construction' entry at the very top, has functioning menus that take you to the chosen areas.


Clicked on the Login button (located at top right) and got a login page which contains two options - login (which was auto-filled by my password manger) and New Account. Clicked on the login button and was redirected to a page that that displays the statement 'It looks like you're returning from the old site. Reset your password here.' - this page has a field for your email address and a Submit button.


Filled in the box and hit the submit button and got a email back with a reset link. This link takes you to a password reset page. Reset the password and then log out of the site. Log back in and you then get a 'Verify Email' statement - there is a short statement under the main statement with a link in it to receive a verification link email.


When it is received click on the provided link and you will get a Verification statement. I was then able to use the site and view my previous orders using the link provided under the profile name located at top right of the home page




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  • 2 weeks later...
Purchased aircraft from new site. Seems they got my money but didnt supply a key to use product. Getting in touch with them is impossible. Stay away from them if you dont want to be burned. This is as clear a warning as I can give you. Im done with them. Carenado could not even help because I purchased thier aircraft through PS.
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Logon to your account and look at your order history. As well as a download link for the product there is usually a shortcut to a serial.txt file. This will contain the key. Also check carefully the purchase confirmation emails as the key is usually listed somewhere on the email...




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I'd like to add to this topic and made an account to do so. I bought a product from fspilotshop a year ago, and recently had hard drive fail. I unfortunately do not have the license key for a product I am trying to reinstall that I purchased off fspilotshop. Unfortunately going to Order History all that is view-able is the order #. Downloading the file, and opening the zipped contents there is still no key. The product I am trying to re-activate is from carenado (CT182 g1000)



I don't know what happened to FSpilotshot the past year but this is distressing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yah they seem to not care. When I log in I can see 5 orders, only 2 appear and the download links are broken. Here is a summary of my experience, note that my first purchase was June of 2019.


Avoid FSPILOTSHOP like the plague.


I purchased NY Airports v2 as well as NYC for X-Plane back in July. After some research it looked like the NY Airports V2 was not even the latest version on the forums. It’s understandable that there may be a little lag from the release to when the download is available. But this was purchased in July 2019. It is version 1.0, where the current version is 2.1 from 2018.


I then discovered that their site was having issues, and so I reached out for support and have been patiently waiting for a response. I have sent multiple e-mails through their website, which I believe may not even work since there is no acknowledgement of it going through. So I reached out to the sales e-mail and still no response, over a month and waiting without as much as an acknowledgement.


So this has been so far $42 down the drain.


Summary of issues:

-Purchased NY Airports v2 and NYC for X-Plane in July of 2019

-Was not the latest of NY Airports V2 v2.1 2018. Was version 1.0.

-FSPilot shop website was borked

-FSpilotshop shows I have 5 purchases, and only 2 show. Additionally, their download link does not work.

-Followed DD forum recommendations to contact fspilotshop. No acknowledgement of receipt.

-Reached out to fspilotshop sales. No acknowledgement of receipt.

-Been over a month and a waste of an airport and scenery I was looking forward to using.


This is absolutely unacceptable.

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Yah they seem to not care. When I log in I can see 5 orders, only 2 appear and the download links are broken. Here is a summary of my experience, note that my first purchase was June of 2019.


Avoid FSPILOTSHOP like the plague.


I purchased NY Airports v2 as well as NYC for X-Plane back in July. After some research it looked like the NY Airports V2 was not even the latest version on the forums. It’s understandable that there may be a little lag from the release to when the download is available. But this was purchased in July 2019. It is version 1.0, where the current version is 2.1 from 2018.


I then discovered that their site was having issues, and so I reached out for support and have been patiently waiting for a response. I have sent multiple e-mails through their website, which I believe may not even work since there is no acknowledgement of it going through. So I reached out to the sales e-mail and still no response, over a month and waiting without as much as an acknowledgement.


So this has been so far $42 down the drain.


Summary of issues:

-Purchased NY Airports v2 and NYC for X-Plane in July of 2019

-Was not the latest of NY Airports V2 v2.1 2018. Was version 1.0.

-FSPilot shop website was borked

-FSpilotshop shows I have 5 purchases, and only 2 show. Additionally, their download link does not work.

-Followed DD forum recommendations to contact fspilotshop. No acknowledgement of receipt.

-Reached out to fspilotshop sales. No acknowledgement of receipt.

-Been over a month and a waste of an airport and scenery I was looking forward to using.


This is absolutely unacceptable.


Warnings have been around this and other reputable sites for months with cautionary tales about the woes at FSPilotshop...


e.g. topic from many years ago, revisited in August 2019



"Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it". George Santayana:-


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  • 2 weeks later...

Getting really frustrated by this. Even though I was good about backing up stuff that I purchased I have a few select items that I don't have or I have the install file but not the key. Thinking they were berried in my email it turns out my email provider has randomly deleted some older emails. So I don't have a key in my email either. Normally in a perfect world if this happens I just log into the FSPilotshop website and fetch my serial key. Ironically i can still log in and get some stuff but license key information is absent making it essentially useless.


For a few items I reached out to the developers with a plea and they provided a new key that worked. However some are non responsive. I estimate I may have lost $200 to $300 worth of stuff unless FSPilotshop magically comes back!


I am really curious what happened? It seems all was well and then they went blank for about a week. Then the website came up as all new and under construction. About 80% or more of the merchandise is absent however. Site is/was under construction but has been in the same state it has always been since it went back up. If whatever they are doing why don't they just reinstate the old website? I am sure it was backed up and back ups of the back ups considering the size of the company (at least at one time).


Here soon I may have to repurchase some stuff but its a difficult decision because money does not grow on trees for this hobby. Some of it I was happy with it but not happy enough to spend money purchasing it again. Luckily some stuff can be found for a lot cheaper but some stuff is crazy expensive.


I think what is so frustrating is supposedly FSPilotshop is still in business and I can log in and see about a 1/4 of the files I purchased but no key. If they were totally gone and it least you know what happened. Looks to me like they were in the process of designing a new website and everything went down hill quick. Because of it sales dried up and perhaps nobody is actually running it at this point? Just some server somewhere running a long.

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Now any time I purchase FS payware, I have a just a single word prosessor file called PAYWARE: I enter the company name, any user names and passwords, along with the product, keys, licenses, or purchase order #.


This was after going nuts a few times searching thru old EMails trying to find all that info to do re-installs, or upgrades...

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  • 3 weeks later...
I made a lot of purchases thru Fspilotshop and the way I accessed them was by the banner at the top of this website. I am not saying that Flightsim.com is responsible, but someone must know who these people are so we can get some satisfaction.

GPU: GeForce GTX 1080

CPU: Intel Core i7-7700K CPU@4.2GHz

Memory: 16.00GB Ram

Resolution: 3840 x 2160, 30Hz Seiki 39†Monitor

Operating System: Windows 10 Home Edition

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  • Founder
We used to link to FSPilotShop but cut ties with them quite some time ago when they stopped paying us as well as others. Under the new owners the store had been going downhill for quite some time. We have not had any contact with them in quite a while so don't have any more answers.
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I used to go to them all the time for my purchases and would often order the optical media. For the stuff I didn't get the optical media I downloaded it and backed it up to two hard drives. Along with several backups of my CD keys on DVD/RW and Blu-ray RE. In fact, My whole Sim is compressed and backed up to a 50 GB Blu-ray RE disk. LOL

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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Oh! I just discovered a message saying, "Sadly, we do not have a more direct way to contact the team at FSPilotshop at this moment. What about my add-ons that I have purchased at the store? We asked a limited number of developers who all said that in the event of the shop being closed permanently, which doesn’t appear to be the case, products can still be downloaded and activated." tonight, got it?
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  • Founder

I don't know how it could be any clearer. FSPilotShop is gone, out of business, and is not coming back. They do not respond to emails and they have let their domain name expire.


If you need help with products you bought there the best thing to do is contact the product publisher directly.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Because this is all you get when trying to go there now. It is gone.


Screenshot_2019-12-08 Save BIG with $9 99 COMs from GoDaddy .png

i5-10600K @ 5.0 GHz, Gigabyte Z490M motherboard, RTX 2080 Super 8GB, 64GB DDR4 3200MHz, ASUS ROG PG278Q 1440p monitor, CH Products Fighterstick, Pro Throttle and Pro Pedals, Track IR 5, Oculus Quest 2, Windows 10 64-bit
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FSPILOTSHOP isn't in business, there were issues and they lost the site, and it was open to purchase from Go Daddy. I spoke with multiple vendors that said they were also having issues recieving payments from the online store for their products. If you want to rectify your issue, a. Get all of your reciepts from FSPILOTSHOP, make copies, contact the creator organization send them a email with copies of all purchase from the shop that pertains as well as the keys that pertain to said purchase. Each will assist you. I've saved every confirmation and key purchase going back to 2006 in archives, beings that's the only way to prove a purchase. I hope that helps, and I assure you, all of the vendors know the issue. You will also find that alot of vendors will not be using other businesses to sell their products, but just to promote. Happy Holidays. SEMPER FIDELIS
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