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I'm writing needing help on my FS2004 which the license I had would let my air hauler & FS2004 play together. Now the license isn't there no more, I don't know what happen to it. If anyone that can help me get this game working again, I'd appreciate the help. I was sick for long time and haven't played for few months. I had allot of Aircraft in this game and I don't want to loose it!

Please someone help me.


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I already answered your question in your previous thread.


If there are license keys, etc that need to be retrieved, I can tell you how to do exactly that by looking in all of your shadow copies.


But I have a felling it's just that you NEED FSUIPC installed and nothing more. Please see your previous thread here which I have responded to.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

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