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Looking for freeware that is better than pay ware! ?

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I find the following free items a MUST have for XP11.


1. Orthosphotreal = Photreal ground textures

2. Re-Shade = Adds NUMEROUS shade effects to the sim

3. Zibo Mod 737NG = If you're into tube-liners

4. Extended Lights = Extends xplane's night lighting distance

5. Anything MisterX6 makes! = Both freeware and payware

6. Better Pushback = Pushbacks from gate

7. Autogate = As stated it will automate the gates that have this installed

8. Dataref Tools and Dataref Editor = Internal XP11 Tools

9. FlyWithLua along with frame rate stabilizer

10. FSGlobal Real Weather (Payware) = Adds Real Weather to XP11

11. World Traffic 3 = Adds AI Traffic

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