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How do I add a new airport to FSX

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I use FSX Gold edition. Our city airport in FSX is the old grass strip. We have a new airport, paved runway hangers etc. that I would like to add to FSX. Is there an add on program to do this or one that I could download.


Airport in FSX is designated Goldthwaite 8Tx3. New airport is T37 Goldthwaite Municipal Airport, Goldthwaite, Texas, USA.


Don T,

Priddy, TX

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There are several programs that can help with this, but the excellent freeware ADE is (IMO) an excellent choice and is also versatile.


Larry N.

As Skylab would say:

Remember: Aviation is NOT an exact Science!

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There are many ways to get airports for FSX, you can try to search around Flightsim or AVISM or Simviation, or any other site that might have the airport you are looking for. There are some chances that the airport will not be around/nobody might have created one for download, so you might have to wait a little until one is released, or you can try and creating one for yourself, there are many ways on creating an airport out there for FSX, try searching it up!
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