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Throttle Trouble


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I use a Saitek st290 pro stick, old but good.

when I advance the throttle. nothing happens, no matter how I programme it.

I can fly by pressing f4, full throttle. and f1 low throttle. but this is awkard to say the least,

I had the same trouble with ped v2. so I sold it. the joystick works very well in fsx

any help is very welcome.

Cheers John W.

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I use a Saitek st290 pro stick, old but good.

when I advance the throttle. nothing happens, no matter how I programme it.

I can fly by pressing f4, full throttle. and f1 low throttle. but this is awkard to say the least,

I had the same trouble with ped v2. so I sold it. the joystick works very well in fsx

any help is very welcome.

Cheers John W.


Is it calibrated within Prepar3d calibration? Does it show a response to movement of the throttle control?

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Hi. it will slide across the z axis line, but appears to be backwards ,as when the throttle is flat. it shows the highest rating. and when fully raised, shows zero.no amount of tweeking will produce a result.

as this also happened with v.2. I am thinking that it is not compatable with p3d.

thanks for the reply.

cheers John W.

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Thanks for your reply. yes it calibrated , but it shows up on the Z axis line. but no throttle responce.

I had the same problem when I had v.2 .

perhaps saiteks are not happy with p3d.

cheers john W.


Then it is NOT calibrated...


All you do is set it up individually so that the joystick controllers replicate the desired aspects you are trying to replicate. This means changing the joystick so that applies the correct access to the correct control, and in the correct direction (perhaps reverse the controls).


Always replicate movement by reference to the virtual controller, not some GUI. `Max=Max` is the only mantra you need.

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Then it is NOT calibrated...


All you do is set it up individually so that the joystick controllers replicate the desired aspects you are trying to replicate. This means changing the joystick so that applies the correct access to the correct control, and in the correct direction (perhaps reverse the controls).


Always replicate movement by reference to the virtual controller, not some GUI. `Max=Max` is the only mantra you need.


Hi Mallcot.

I have completely un calibrated the whole thing, un plugged the stick. plugged it back in again. and tried to re callibrate it.but I still get thr throttle coming up on z axis and in reverse.

I can fly it on f1 and f4. on the key board.

I will try another joystick, (ch). hoping it will confirm / rule out the non compatability of the zaitek stick.

Cheers and thanks.

John W.

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Hi Mallcot.

I have completely un calibrated the whole thing, un plugged the stick. plugged it back in again. and tried to re callibrate it.but I still get thr throttle coming up on z axis and in reverse.

I can fly it on f1 and f4. on the key board.

I will try another joystick, (ch). hoping it will confirm / rule out the non compatability of the zaitek stick.

Cheers and thanks.

John W.


Default key commands are programmed into the sim. Same for the slider commands, but they can be changed, including reversing the senses.

Use the GUI within the sim to make a new selection for throttle, aliased to whatever control you wish to use, tick the reverse box. Done!


Where are you in the UK John? there must be an established simmer nearby who could help with this most basic of tasks? It's no more than five minutes to setup!

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GUI = Graphics User Interface.


On the opening screen of P3D, select Options at the bottom. The select Calibrate on the bottom left-hand side. AT the top of the next window it should show you the controller type in the top center field where it says Controller, if it doesn't show there then use the drop-down arrow and see if the controller is listed in the drop-down menu. If it is, then select it. Now you should be able to calibrate....



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Hi Jorgen.

It does show the type of stick and still it will not calbrate the throttle so I am leaving it till I get another diferent make of joystick to check out wether or not it is just the zietek.

Cheers John W.


Hello all.

Problem solved. added a Microsoft sidewinder stick. (£20). and everything works inc the throttle.

As the zietek works msfs fine it must be a problem between p3d and zietek.

Thanks for all the advice etc. Cheers John W.

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