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gauge light texture


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I hope someone with a greater knowledge of FS2004 than I have can help me.


In the gauges folder I have a fsd_warn.parkbrake gauge that lights up a green oblong light on the panel when the brake is on. Where would the texture for this light be kept ? It's not part of the autobrake in this snap.

Thank you.



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The texture will be in the gau file. You can view and export/import these files with gaubmp2; when editing be sure to maintain the same color depth, and when importing be sure you are viewing the texture to be replaced (the utility will import to whatever image is in view, and there is no "undo").
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OK. I assume you mean the Gauges folder? I've found this fsd_warn.parkbrake.gau plus 3 others with _0001, _0002 & _0003 appended.


If I have the right gau I assume the texture is embedded in it because everything has .gau or .cab attached.

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OK. I assume you mean the Gauges folder? I've found this fsd_warn.parkbrake.gau plus 3 others with _0001, _0002 & _0003 appended.


If I have the right gau I assume the texture is embedded in it because everything has .gau or .cab attached.

I think those ones with the numbers added are ones that have been edited in something like FS Panel Studio. You may even have gone into edit without realising it and it has created those.


The original file will almost certainly be the one with the original name but you can always check the dates bofre deleting (or backing up, just in case) the duplicates.





My co-pilot's name is Sid and he's a star!

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Gauges with 0001, 0002, etc., are duplicates on panels (i.e. one on main 2d panel, one on vc, one on popup panel); edit the base gauge (with no numbers) and delete the ones with numbers, if FS9 deems them necessary it will recreate them.


Yes, the gauge graphics are contained within the .gau file, you can click through them in gaubmp to find the one you want, but they are usually well named (bezel, backgrnd, needle, etc.).

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Thank you. I thought there was a problem with the top left corner but having seen it in situ in a the panel of my Bolton Paul P111 I see the aurthor has rendered the rounded corner shiny & rellecting light.

I've used it in another dark panel & being smaller the shiny corner looks odd. Now I know there's no problem I'll take a look but not do any editing.


Thanks again for your help.

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