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Chicago in FSX


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Just wondering, as I am real new to FSX, but in the cities folder in the main scenery folder there are only LasVegas; Oshkosh; Rio and StMaarten showing as the sole cities. Is this correct? I keep getting a freeze when flying to fly out anywhere near Chicago. I'm running sp1 & 2, boxed game.



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There are a lot more than those, but those are the cities with more detailed scenery. So what you are seeing is correct, but misleading. There are actually most of the airports around the world in FSX (over 20,000), along with towns and cities to go with them.


Within FSX, ALT-W A will get you the airport choosing menu, and if you type any city or airport there (in the appropriate box) it will take you to that one.


Larry N.

As Skylab would say:

Remember: Aviation is NOT an exact Science!

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