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Universal Flight Management Computer from Simshack

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Good morning.

I'm in the process of learning FMC.

Most of the FSX SE aircraft use Garvin for navigation. However, I've come across the Universal Flight Management Computer from Simshack, which is compatible with FSX SE. If anyone on this forum uses this FMC, how do you rate it?

Does it simply download and intergrate with FSX automatically?

When you load a non FMC aircraft, does the FMC pop up automatically?

Thank you.

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Garvin?? Must be Garmin's twin brother.:confused: I don't have it, nor use any other FMC to fly my aircraft. My best speculation is that you will need to integrate it into every aircraft panel.cfg that you want to use it in.


Very Important....Be sure to read all of the specs and product reviews before purchasing this product. I saw some pretty negative reviews on their site.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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