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Looking for Cherokee 140E file


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Hi, Forum

I am a pilot and live on a airpark and my friends wife is taking flying lessons, it would be great if I had that file you found. Cherokee 140E for fs2004. I have been looking high and low for a Cherokee file. They just bought a Cherokee 140.


PS , I fly a home built - BD4

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  • Founder

We have a file library right here at FlightSim.Com. I just did a quick search there and immediately came up with this:


FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 General Aviation

FS2004 Piper PA28-140

[ Download | View ]


Name: pa2814oe.zip

Size: 9,927,663 Date: 06-09-2005 Downloads: 32,150


FS2004 Piper PA28-140. A Gmax Piper PA-28-140 Cherokee, v1.0. The oldest model in the Cherokee series. Features a fully modelled cabin and virtual cockpit, photorealistic textures, full control surfaces, door and suspension animation, dynamic shine and glass reflections. By Ole Egholm.

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  • Founder

OK then, start with the basics. On the menu on the home page (not in the forums), under "Home" you'll see links to landing pages for various sims, including FS2004. Go to that landing page:




In the left column menu is a collection of useful information, including install guides for various types of add-ons. That's a good place to start to learn the basic skills. Of course, you also need to read the docs inside each individual file for specific instructions.

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Good Afternoon, OK I did a lot of reading and I tried to install pa2414 and did not show up in aircraft list

How ever there is a piper Comanche file that I loaded it the same as the pa2414 and it load successfully

and shows up in the list and it is working. I guess there is some difference in the file that causes not to

work. I read where somebody else was saying things were missing in the pa2414 file. hope i am not being a pain .



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I can help you get the 140 flying.


Open the aircraft.cfg with Notepad. Near the top you will find...

title=Piper Cherokee 140 OY-CSF
ui_type=Cherokee 140
ui_variation=Charlie Sierra Foxtrot
description= The PA28- series includes some of the most successfull aircrafts in private aviation. Designed to compete with cessna�s 170-series, the first Piper PA28, the PA28-140 Cherokee, was designed in the sixties.
Many pilots have build up their flying expierience on the 140 before replacing the cherokee with larger models in the PA28 series.
By Ole Egholm

title=Piper Cherokee 140 OY-DHD
ui_type=Cherokee 140
ui_variation=Delta Hotel Delta
description= The PA28- series includes some of the most successfull aircrafts in private aviation. Designed to compete with cessna�s 170-series, the first Piper PA28, the PA28-140 Cherokee, was designed in the sixties.
Many pilots have build up their flying expierience on the 140 before replacing the cherokee with larger models in the PA28 series.
This variation has wheelcaps, improving the flow of air around the wheels.
DHD is used for pilot training in Billund, Denmark


Delete everything in red so it looks like...

title=Piper Cherokee 140 OY-DHD
ui_type=Cherokee 140
ui_variation=Delta Hotel Delta
description= The PA28- series includes some of the most successfull aircrafts in private aviation. Designed to compete with cessna�s 170-series, the first Piper PA28, the PA28-140 Cherokee, was designed in the sixties.
Many pilots have build up their flying expierience on the 140 before replacing the cherokee with larger models in the PA28 series.
This variation has wheelcaps, improving the flow of air around the wheels.
DHD is used for pilot training in Billund, Denmark


Save your changes.


This should make it available for flying.



the Bean

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


Never argue with idiots.

They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

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I can help you get the 140 flying.


Open the aircraft.cfg with Notepad. Near the top you will find...

title=Piper Cherokee 140 OY-CSF
ui_type=Cherokee 140
ui_variation=Charlie Sierra Foxtrot
description= The PA28- series includes some of the most successfull aircrafts in private aviation. Designed to compete with cessna�s 170-series, the first Piper PA28, the PA28-140 Cherokee, was designed in the sixties.
Many pilots have build up their flying expierience on the 140 before replacing the cherokee with larger models in the PA28 series.
By Ole Egholm

title=Piper Cherokee 140 OY-DHD
ui_type=Cherokee 140
ui_variation=Delta Hotel Delta
description= The PA28- series includes some of the most successfull aircrafts in private aviation. Designed to compete with cessna�s 170-series, the first Piper PA28, the PA28-140 Cherokee, was designed in the sixties.
Many pilots have build up their flying expierience on the 140 before replacing the cherokee with larger models in the PA28 series.
This variation has wheelcaps, improving the flow of air around the wheels.
DHD is used for pilot training in Billund, Denmark


Delete everything in red so it looks like...

title=Piper Cherokee 140 OY-DHD
ui_type=Cherokee 140
ui_variation=Delta Hotel Delta
description= The PA28- series includes some of the most successfull aircrafts in private aviation. Designed to compete with cessna�s 170-series, the first Piper PA28, the PA28-140 Cherokee, was designed in the sixties.
Many pilots have build up their flying expierience on the 140 before replacing the cherokee with larger models in the PA28 series.
This variation has wheelcaps, improving the flow of air around the wheels.
DHD is used for pilot training in Billund, Denmark


Save your changes.


This should make it available for flying.



the Bean


Saw that same thing earlier, Bean! So, if [fltsim.0] is not correct, that keeps everything else from showing in FS9?

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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Thank you, thank you!! you guys known your stuff! I now have a flying Cherokee

I read the DOC about radio stack to install. I got the file BUT not sure where I should extract it to, I did make a back up panel just in case I screw it up. There so many zipfiles. would they all be extracted to panel? or cfg

Thanks again, you guys were great help


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Thank you, thank you!! you guys known your stuff! I now have a flying Cherokee

I read the DOC about radio stack to install. I got the file BUT not sure where I should extract it to, I did make a back up panel just in case I screw it up. There so many zipfiles. would they all be extracted to panel? or cfg

Thanks again, you guys were great help



I saw that download...what a mess! I would extract each of those .zip files to your desktop and place stuff where it belongs. It might just be easier to use the Bendix radio stack from a default aircraft and have it be a pop up.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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Well guess I goofed, I tried to do what you said but I messed up , I was guessing as to what folder to put the the radio file in. I assumed it would be the panel folder.. WRONG! the program crashes when it loads the files ,crashes at 59% . I removed the pa2414 from the aircraft folder but whatever I did affected the whole fs9 . I ran the test of the problem and it came up with MFC70.DLL was the problem.

ant ideas how I can fix or just reload the complete FS9. Guess I need more help as to where those radio files go.

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