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Starting From Scratch. Could use some guidance.


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Hello everyone.



For years I was an avid flightsimer. Then, life got in the way and I drifted away from the hobby. At that time I was a FSX guy with the usual collection of sceneries, aircraft and AI traffic management content. I left the hobby sometime after microsoft closed the doors to their shop and haven't paid much attention since.


Recently I've been thinking about getting back into the hobby and was looking for some advice from the community. I apologize in advance as Im sure this question has been asked before in some shape or fashion. I did try and do a little digging and some research but would love some sort of consensus from the community on which way to go. As everyone knows this can be an expensive hobby and would love to put my money on the right path. :) Also, I know a lot has changed with the intro of Prepar3d and Plane 11 etc. So, I come hat in hand to you guys. The experts.


Assuming I would be purchasing a high grade PC with a 2080 type graphics card etc. Whats the best way to go these days?


Which platform offers the best graphics, traffic management, and user supported content? The best experience? In other words if you had to start over, what would you do?


Things that I enjoyed from my previous experience.

Flying long hall and regional routes.

Downloading unique sceneries.

Tinkering with real life traffic schedules and AI

Weather add ons.

Mostly maintaining a collection of airliners (regional, and heavies)


I don't mind learning a new platform and look forward to starting it up again.


Anyways, I apologize again if this has been discussed ad nauseam. I did try and peruse the boards. You guys are on here all the time so, if there is a place to direct me where its being discussed I appreciate it. You all would know best where to look.


Thanks and happy simming!

Nick Sdoucos

Principal, Flight FX

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You'd probably want to go Prepar3d to make use of a massive GPU like that. With FSX or even FS2004, a GPU would have little bearing on its performance. The CPU is the major player. Probably so with P3D.


P3D does have an EULA stating that you have to be at least a student to use the software which I find stupid. But many don't listen to that and in fact many add-on developers are making more of their add-ons for P3D.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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You'd probably want to go Prepar3d to make use of a massive GPU like that. With FSX or even FS2004, a GPU would have little bearing on its performance. The CPU is the major player. Probably so with P3D.


P3D does have an EULA stating that you have to be at least a student to use the software which I find stupid. But many don't listen to that and in fact many add-on developers are making more of their add-ons for P3D.


Nikkoum, If you meet the requirements of the EULA then P3D is probably the way to go if you are starting from scratch. Note: Many addons from FSX days do NOT function, or will need upgrading to the new sim. Those upgrades range in price from free to a complete re-installation cost, and everything in-between.


As you lost interest in the hobby for so many years and could do so again you might try P3D for 60 days and if it doesn't hold your attention then it's refundable. Alternatively, Lockheed-Martin have a variety of part-purchase options: http://www.prepar3d.com/product-overview/

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I only lost interest due to a diversification of life responsibilities. LOL. Anyways, thanks for some of the responses. Is the consensus on the new xplane not good?


Is it safe to assume that p3d has taken over where flightsim left off? (lic. issues aside)

Nick Sdoucos

Principal, Flight FX

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Yes, P3D has pretty much taken over from where FSX left off. As far as X-Plane, I only tried the demo and didn't care for it. A lot of people do use it. I don't think it has a good weather engine, and I've read people having issues with the way the plane operates. Particularly on the takeoff roll. You can give the demo a shot and see how you like it. I thought the night vision was a nice added touch.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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