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Adelaide Airport does not allow AI to approach and land


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Hi DDP. Thanks for the input. I'll check that out as well. What you say about runway 05 not having an ILS receiver makes sense, because I mentioned in an earlier post that ATC keeps directing me in on runway 23 even though I might have selected runway 05 to land. If I want to use runway 05, are you saying that I must adjust the data in the bottom right box under 'runway heading' to line up on the true heading of runway 05?
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Runing the XML file through CompileHelper, I get the following errors:




WARNING: #C1102 	YPAD	2251	START	2000	Airport (YPAD) has object (START) that is 2251 meters from the ARP with a test threshold of 2000 meters!  XML line: 243.
WARNING: #C1102 	YPAD	2287	TAXI_POINT	2000	Airport (YPAD) has object (TAXI_POINT) that is 2287 meters from the ARP with a test threshold of 2000 meters!  XML line: 553.
WARNING: #C1102 	YPAD	2289	TAXI_POINT	2000	Airport (YPAD) has object (TAXI_POINT) that is 2289 meters from the ARP with a test threshold of 2000 meters!  XML line: 559.
WARNING: #C1102 	YPAD	2295	TAXI_POINT	2000	Airport (YPAD) has object (TAXI_POINT) that is 2295 meters from the ARP with a test threshold of 2000 meters!  XML line: 565.
WARNING: #C1102 	YPAD	2235	TAXI_POINT	2000	Airport (YPAD) has object (TAXI_POINT) that is 2235 meters from the ARP with a test threshold of 2000 meters!  XML line: 571.
WARNING: #C1102 	YPAD	2361	TAXI_POINT	2000	Airport (YPAD) has object (TAXI_POINT) that is 2361 meters from the ARP with a test threshold of 2000 meters!  XML line: 769.
WARNING: #C1102 	YPAD	2260	TAXIWAY_SIGN	2000	Airport (YPAD) has object (TAXIWAY_SIGN) that is 2260 meters from the ARP with a test threshold of 2000 meters!  XML line: 3815.
WARNING: #C1102 	YPAD	2273	TAXIWAY_SIGN	2000	Airport (YPAD) has object (TAXIWAY_SIGN) that is 2273 meters from the ARP with a test threshold of 2000 meters!  XML line: 3836.
WARNING: #C1102 	YPAD	2316	TAXIWAY_SIGN	2000	Airport (YPAD) has object (TAXIWAY_SIGN) that is 2316 meters from the ARP with a test threshold of 2000 meters!  XML line: 3906.


Also, if you go to approach mode in ADE you'll notice that the ILS approach for runway 05 has the opposite mag heading. That is mor\e than likely your issue there when ATC has you vector onto runway 23.


Also, your approach fixes ae wrong. I see IF05N. IF05N is on the end of runway 23.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

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Hi CRJ. You've gone to a lot of trouble for me - thanks. So there are 3 things you've picked up. The first I think I can fix easily, since I understand I need to bring the hold points / taxi points within the standard ranges.


The second and third I am having difficulty picking up, probably because I don't have the data appearing in the bottom right corner of the approach mode screen (see attachment). Do I need to click something to get the data to show (as DDP's attachment had)?


Approach mode - Adelaide.jpg

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At the top go under Lists and select approaches. Then if you look at the ILS for runway 05, you'll see some waypoints are on the opposite side of the runway and so are the mags. Did you even add that approach manually? It might be better to delete it and start all over on that ILS approach.


I'm not sure what to make of the CompileHelper errors. I looked at those lines it indicates and it doesn't look like there was an issue. Further, I have ran the airport though ADE's error checker and found no errors other than an unconnected node which was nothing.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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I can confirm CRJ_simpilot's findings.


The ILS05 approach is the same as the ILS23. In the ILS05 header you have RWY heading 50.08 while the approach heading is 230.08.

The AI is vectored to FF05N at a ~30deg. angle of 230 and descending to 2100ft. At FF05N the gear will lower, and the AI will turn to a heading of 230. Again, these are true headings.


See my screenshot. Load an approach as CRJ_simpilot described. Click top right on the header, and the data will show at the bottom right.

Also, if you edit stock airports, you should start of by opening the stock airport and going from there, or at least import stock navdata and approaches.

It seems that's not the case here. Several stock navaids were not there, I had to import them from the Load Stock Data in the Tools menu. If you're going to play with approach code you may need them.


Just FYI, RW YPAD does not have an ILS05. Here are some recent approach charts.





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