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Panel issues


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Hi all. I am having an issue with a panel. I have tried all the available tutorials on how to alias a plane to a panel, and it is not working. I have dropped the panel itself into the aircraft folder, editing the aircraft.cfg file to alias the panel to it. My main problem is that it is a trijet, and when I was using it, I had it aliased to the default 737 panel. I don't know what to do, but if someone could help me install it or point me to a panel that is for a trijet, that would be very nice. Thanks in advance!
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What plane.?

If addon plane, give downloaded .zip file name so we can be sure which one it is. Also site you downloaded it from.


Does it have a vc. And do you use it/want to keep it.


What exactly have you done when alias attempt. Steps. And line you typed in the panel.cfg you created.


Also show/give changes made in aircraft.cfg and name of new panel folder.

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It was the DC-10 from the HJG website. I am aware that the main barrier between FSX and FS2004 are the panels, so I downloaded the DC-10 panel project off Fly Away sim. That is for FSX. I first tried the conventional method of installing the gauges, sound etc. but when I installed the actual panel folder directly into the folder, it didn't work. Then, I retrieved the original panel.cfg file and added a folder (FSFSCONV, that's what the HJG website said to do with panels), and put the panel I there, then edited the panel.cfg to say


And that didn't work. Then, I edited the aircraft.cfg to direct it to the panel, and it still didn't work.

It does have a virtual cockpit, but I do not want to keep it.

Thank you.

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I have tried all the available tutorials on how to alias a plane to a panel, and it is not working


As IL88PP suggests .... one must be "more specific/thorough" when mentioning the like of issues ....


- What panel .... particular panel version where applicable.

- What aircraft base pack .... particular aircraft base pack version where applicable.

- What sound pack .... particular sound pack version where applicable.


Otherwise it's not possible to know precisely what files one is talking about/experiencing issues with and providing any assistance at all then becomes difficult.



It was the DC-10 from the HJG website


The place to seek assistance for HJG products is the HJG forum.


That's where the expertise that's brought each of their offerings into existence is located .... and where the best knowledge base in regard in regard to support for these productions is located also.



I am aware that the main barrier between FSX and FS2004 are the panels, so I downloaded the DC-10 panel project off Fly Away sim//


Firstly .... the new HJG supplied DC-10 panels "ARE" both FS2004 and FSX compatible.


In the case of FSX .... installation is more case sensitive and required specific installation procedures being adhered to or add-on installations will not be recognized and displayed by that FS version.


9 out of 10 times the reason installation don't appear (or work) in FSX is due to the recommended installation procedures not being followed correctly :)


A common mistake is people installing valid folders into FS and which are are still contained with containing folders from their original ZIP folders .... causing FS not to be able to recognize and display what's been installed.



I first tried the conventional method of installing the gauges, sound etc


The basic procedure is as follows ....


The Panel Gauges content of the HJG supplied DC-10 Panel Gauges/Core Files package must be installed inside the FS "GAUGES" folder.


The Panel Sounds content of the HJG supplied DC-10 Panel Gauges/Core Files package must be installed inside the FS "SOUND" folder .... that's the Sound folder within the FS folder directory and "not" the Sound folder within ones aircraft base pack .


All panel foiders should be installed inside the FSFSCONV folder .... and the PANEL.CFG file within the Panel folder inside the aircraft base pack then aliased accordingly .... strictly in accordance with what's stated within the installtion instructions which accompany each panel file.


Copying and pasting this data is recommended in order to avoid errors that will cause FS not to recognize and display installed files.


Panel folder can also be installed inside aircraft base packs .... if one prefers .... but in this particular case .... the name of the panel folder must then be entered into the PANEL= data line for the FLTSIM.XX data which accompanies any texture and which is added to the AIRCRAFT.CFG file.



Then, I retrieved the original panel.cfg file and added a folder (FSFSCONV, that's what the HJG website said to do with panels), and put the panel I there, then edited the panel.cfg to say


And that didn't work


If the recommended procedure has not worked then that can only be the result of the procedure "not" being applied correctly .... simply because the recommended procedures don't "not" work or they wouldn't be recommended :)



It does have a virtual cockpit


HANG ON A MOMENT .... "IF" the DC-10 you're trying to install features a VC .... then .... what you're trying to install "IS NOT" the HJG production (period) .... simply because the HJG DC-10's "are not" supported by VC's.


It therefore seems you may be confusing the HJG simulation with the earlier Thomas RUTH release .... or vice versa.


"IF" .... you're adamant the DC-10 files you're trying to install are HJG versions though .... then .... I suggest you present your case on the HJG forum and we'll pick it up from there and endeavour to help you.


"HJG forum please though".... since apart from advising in regard to "the very basics" we can't (easily) provide support over 2 different forums.



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The OPs' initial issue could be down to a simple typo in the panel.cfg file. It may also be due, in part, to a missing element also, namely a required section header [fltsim].


In the OPs' post, in reply to il88pp, it states that the following line was added to the panel.cfg:




It should read ALIAS=fsfsconv\panel....


When using the \ and / signs in a file they have, depending on the file type (and app usage), a very different instruction action assignment. In this case, in simple terms, a \ acts like a positive switch whilst / acts like a negative switch.....


e.g if you use the /panel entry you are effectively telling it to ignore all that appears after it and, therefore, it doesn't read the panel folder (and thus the panel.cfg located within the folder).


Likewise, if the section header is missing the file is not read correctly.


The finished entry should look like - this example for a model configured to use the default FSX B737 panel:







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"IF" .... he's using HJG's new DC-10 panels then the recommended panel alias data (provided per its instaltion instructions) is "correct" and works fine.


"IF" .... he's manually typed the panel alias data (instead of copy & pasting it as recommended) .... and made a typo (such as using a Forward Slash instead of the stated stated Back Slash" symbol) .... then that could well explain why his panel doesn't work .... and when he sais said it "doesn't work" then I assume he's meaning it doesn't display for him.


Need him to confirm he's talking about the HJG panels though because he mentions "VC panel" below and which the HJG simulations "are not" equipped with .... therefore suggesting he may be using the earlier Thomas RUTH DC-10's which (I think) are VC featured.


"IF" .... it's HJG though .... then once again he's best advised to seek assistance on the HJG forum where their 2 "FSX specialist's" are located .... since I'm less able to assist with that FS version.



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Ronan, you didn't state which platform you're trying to load the DC-10 on, but assuming that since you posted to FSX, it is some form of FSX. Many downloads must have at least, FSX-SP-2 and if one has the Acceleration pack, SP-2 is included. I can vouch resoundingly, that if your d/l is from HJG, the panels furnished by HJG are the only ones that work properly... and they do work superbly. It is very easy to mistake Thomas Ruth's DC-10 for HJG.. suggestion: move his ac folder out of simobjects until you get HJGs sorted out. They look re markedly similar and very easy to get mixed up. I also wish to second Aerofoto's suggestion to post any questions on the HJG forum... their support is awesome, second only to the quality of their aircraft. It may seem daunting at first, but well worth the effort to get the Big 10 into FSX. You'll really enjoy HJG's DC-10s.. they are very deeply simulated and a joy to fly. Every flight you'll learn something new....Good luck, and let us know how it turns out....Terry

I9-10850K, Mugen 5 cooler, Gigagbyte Aorus Z490 Master, 2TB Samsung 980 Pro M.2, 1TB Samsung 970 Plus, 2TB Samsung 870evo, Corsair RM-850, G-Skill DDR-4 3600, Lian Li LanCool Mesh, Nvidia 3070Ti, Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo, MFG Crosswind pedals, Win10 Pro

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Thank you all for the help! I worked out my problem, and I realised that when I was dropping the panels in, I was not actually aliasing the aircraft to the panel. Most advanced and high quality panels have several other characters AFTER (panel.) and now I know I have to enter those characters into the aircraft.cfg folder. Once again, thank you for all the advice and I wish you all the best!
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