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Questions About FSX Area51 Simulations U-2S Altitude Problems, .air, .cfg Files


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Hi Everyone,


Hope all is well with you. I have a couple of questions for you regarding the Area51 Simulations Lockheed U-2S Dragonlady for FSX – specifically dealing with the altitude limitations of the updated release.


I recently purchased the U-2 from Area51 about a week ago and I CANNOT get it to exceed 60,000 feet without great difficulty. I have only been able to do so when I set a.) both the fuel AND payload to “0” and b.) the weather conditions to “clear skies” in FSX. I completely understand that the aircraft requires a great deal of time to cruise-climb to altitude, but other users of the product claim that they are able to reach altitudes in excess of 70-80,000 feet. Is there anything I can do? I have attempted to contact Area51 about this problem, but responses have not been forthcoming. I have also looked into modifying the aircraft .cfg, but I would rather not have to do that unless it is absolutely necessary.


As I understand it, and from reading other forums, the problem may lie with the updated .air file for this aircraft in FSX. Originally Area51 released two versions of the U-2S for FSX, the most recent iteration having an updated .air file. I have read that swapping the updated .air file for the previous one solved the issue. Unfortunately, Area51 appears to only release the updated one. Is there anything I can do? If there is any way any of you can help, I would greatly appreciate it. I’m just trying to enhance and enjoy my own personal experience flying this aircraft as much as possible.


Thanks for your help, everyone!

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Thanks again for your responses and for your help, mrzippy! I actually did see this and sent wilycoyote4 a direct message about the original .air and .cfg files for the U-2 today. Hopefully they can help or know someone who can. Waiting to hear back... *fingers crossed*
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