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Default FS9 not installing like it should


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Hi all,


After many years of trouble free FS9 simming and adding on, something has suddenly gone very wrong and sadly I needed to uninstall, clear up all the remnants, re-install and (re-)add all my backed up addons, etc. etc. Easy I would say because I've already done this a few times before but this time even the default FS9 installation from the 4 CDs keeps doing things wrong, the basis of it being that the "Microsoft/FS9" folder containing the initial FS9.cfg file, normally in C, is somehow not being installed as usual. Not to be found anywhere. The result is that when clicking on the newly installed desktop FS9 icon, nothing happens, no error message, no splash screen, no CTD, no nothing. Clicking on the FS9.exe itself has the same result, nothing. All other default files in the main FS9 target folder seem to present correctly.

The installations themselves are all "custom" into D and they all reach their ends normally after previous uninstalls, etc. What I do notice is that with every new install, a new FS9 ID number is issued. Could this have something to do with my problem, possibly a maximum number of installs being exceded ?


Windows7 64bit.


Ideas anyone ?


Thanks in advance.


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Your reaction is not completely clear to me so please excuse me for asking further.


During installation of the default FS9 from the CDs, the two folders "FS9" and "Flight Simulator Files" are somehow not installed in C, while the main "custom" target folder is situated in D.


When the FS9.exe (CD or no CD version) is activated, the file FS9.cfg within the "FS9" sub folder, can therefore never be found and because it contains all the basic technical data for FS9 to start up and to run, FS9 will now do nothing when it's FS9.exe is activated.


My problem is therefore that the default FS9 installation is not 100% complete. Could it be that this specific problem also has something to do with a recent Win7 update where, e.g. extra preventive measures are taken against files being installed in previously unprotected areas in C ?


Thanks in advance for any reactions.


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Thanks for your reaction but re-installing Win7 etc. is a real "last resort action" when all else has failed. However, I have the feeling that this option will, in the end, be the only real way to go but after that, without any internet connections.


Thanks again.


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One of the last resorts if there are problems with the fs9.cfg file is to delete or rename it and allow FS9 to generate a new one. On that basis if one has not been generated on install, one should be generated when FS9 is run. I migrated from Win7 to Win10 and my fs9.cfg is in

C:\Users\my username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FS9 and if memory is correct, this is where it was in Win7. A search on my C drive also shows that Flight Simulator Files folder is present, but not visible in normal disc view.

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When the FS9.exe (CD or no CD version) is activated, the file FS9.cfg within the "FS9" sub folder, can therefore never be found and because it contains all the basic technical data for FS9 to start up and to run, FS9 will now do nothing when it's FS9.exe is activated.


That is not how FS9 works.


On a clean install the FS9.cfg is created at first run, not at install.


There is about a bazillion posts here where people have been advised to delete the FS9.cfg and let FS build a new one. That would never work if what you are saying is true.


Go back to Tom's post and follow his advice instead of dismissing it based on what you think you know.



the Bean

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


Never argue with idiots.

They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

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I installed FS9 from a uncorrupted DVD all in one installer which had worked perfect for about 2 years on win7 64bit, about 10 months ago I installed FS9 would on a friends sim and not start it did work ok after a day of trying, I had one of my test PC's after a format ready for FS9 install that was the same. That decided to work after a while got to be windows updates, sorry I cant be of more help it sorted it's self out before I got to the bottom of it. One thing I did do was to delete the FS9 shortcut of the desktop and used the right click and the Send To command to create a new FS9 short cut on the desktop


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Hi all,


At long last the latest clean FS9 installation actually worked after much messing around and Tom was absolutely right from the beginning. I did read all his linked forum posts but had trouble finding anything about my very specific problem, namely that my newly installed default FS9 would not even begin with it's start up procedure. Hence me blaming the two missing complete folders which I knew should always be present and which were now suddenly created automatically when the new FS9 actually started up. This time, after I had replaced the original FS9.exe with the NO-CD version and had also adhered to better procedures, e.g. shutting down and re-starting my machine several times with the necessary edits and deletes in between. My target FS2004 folder in D was now also in a different and less far away position.


Yes Mr. StringBean, I already knew about some of the files in the FS9 folder in C being automatically re-created after being deleted but had not realized that the same would also be true for the complete folder.


Anyway guys, thanks for all your help and it must again be said that even after about fifteen years of simming experience and knowledge, which has become somewhat rusty here and there, you're never too old to learn.


Thanks again.


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