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Fsx must have files


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So, I just installed FSX-SE and I'm wondering if there are any Must Have Files that I should dl & install to enhance my experience. I'm a rookie just getting back into the flight sim game so my understanding of some Terminology is sparse. Please make it as simple as possible so I can follow & any links where I can find them. I did check out the Must Have Files Sticky posted here but there was nothing of interest. Thanks in advance.
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You are about to get 400 posts from everyone's personal opinions spanning 15 years of add-on development. Do a "must have" search in this forum and you can read the thousands of suggestions already posted on this topic.


2 carrot salad, 10.41 liter bucket, electric doorbell, 17 inch fan, 12X14, 85 Dbm
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IMHO you need to have a good weather engine, I use AS16 & ASCA (Active Sky 16 & Active Sky Cloud Art). As to planes you won't need to pay for them as there are so many to fly right here in the file library.

Happy :pilot: Flyin...



I second AS16 (payware) - especially as the FSX real world weather is down, so you will need it for getting up to date weather.


At least the free version of FSUIPC is necessairy for a lot of stuff


For flight planning look at Simbrief (Website recommended for IFR) and Plan-G (program recommended for VFR).


As for planes a lot of really great stuff is out there for free, maybe have a look at the Justflight 757 Freemium, there's a free IFly 747 I think that's also quite nice.

My Personal favourite is Manfred Jahn and Team's C-47/DC-3 - a real gem.

But that depends on your taste there really are many amazing planes out there!


For scenery have a look at FreeMeshX which will enhance the topographic modell and then just search for the regions you want and see what you find.


Cheers and happy flying!

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I can't Edit my OP but I forgot to mention, I'm just looking for FREE ADDON Stuff, to enhance the visuals. I am dl'ing FreemeshX now but it looks pretty complicated to install. I've read the instructions but still looks confusing.


My Post was to find out what's New in FSX since I last used it. I remember addons such as Blue Sky and Cloud Files. Enhancements for water ect...... I'm sure things are much more advanced than I remember from about 10 years ago. I'll keep looking around.

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Thanks Pat. I looked in there already as stated in my OP (original post), a few of the links are dead and most of that stuff I have no idea what it does.


Uhh.....who ya callin' Pat??

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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Some addons will be subject to the type of flying you do and the type of aircraft you prefer (and if you want to make scenery changes or 'fixes')


This is my notated list of the essentials:

Some require effort to use; some require none.

All are FREE



FSRealWx lite (no-frills real weather)

Plan-G ( flight planner and in-flight locator map )

JoinFS ( for multiplayer connection between different versions AND flight recorder )

a screenshot utility (Snapper or similar)

FRAPS (demo version for short clips and fps counter)

EditVoicePack (to add new airline names and a speeded-up version of ATC voices)

AIFP ( AI flight planner for making your own or converting FS9 versions to FSX)

OBS ( Open Broadcaster Software for making own videos... if I can, anyone can )

Blender ( video editing )


ADE ( to create or fix mis-aligned airports ** compiler in SDK is required to use this software **)

FreeMeshX (high res terrain mesh for the whole world)

BlueskyScenery (1m photoreal for lot of US western states )

FSEarthTiles ( make your own photoreal )


AICarriers.NET (if you need to land somewhere at sea...)

Ike and Nimitz by Javier Fernandez (USS_NIMITZ_IKE_VERSION2.ZIP in library)

Dino Cattaneo's T45, F14, F35, S3B freeware aircraft at http://indiafoxtecho.blogspot.com/



Hooked since FS4... now flying:

self-built i7-4790 at 4 GHz; GA-Z97X mobo; GTX 970; 16GB gskill;

quiet, fast and cool running.

Win 7/64: 840 EVO OS; 840 EVO (500G) game drive;

Win10/64: 850 EVO (500G) for OS and games

A few Flightsim videos on YouTube at CanyonCorners

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Six that I can think of that should be used.


A) Active Sky 2016


The default weather engine for FS2004 and FSX sucks beyond sucks. AS16 will give you real weather all over the globe. Believe me. I've flown around the world four times already.


B) Active Sky Cloud Art


With AS16 installed, Cloud Art can inject clouds for the utmost in realism. I have often seen a cloud layer much like real life where I can scrape the clouds. With the default weather engine you simply won't see that at all.


C) World Of AI and Military AI Works planes.


Give yourself some company in the air while flying. The only issue is many of these flight plans are FS2004 only and may need to be converted for FSX with AIFP that can be downloaded here in the library. If you add FS2004 flight plans to FSX, only those will work and FSX flight plans will be ignored. If you do add a lot of AI, set the AI slider in the game's options to at least 50%/55% otherwise you'll be overwhelmed, especially with ATC. Then make sure you download possible airport updates from the library as you fly to them or payware for more parking since you will have more planes flying around and needing a parking space.


D) EditvoicepackX


You need this so that all or most AI have ATC pronounce their callsigns, etc. The default FS sound file doesn't have these callsigns. Use the ICAO option I think it is when you update your sound file.



E) ORBX Global.


This will make landclass in the FS world a lot better looking.


F) Check my Sig to combat any possible OOM errors.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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Well, Loyd and the rest covered pretty much the "stuff" I was going to recommend.


Of course, I think you can guess the particular plane I was going to suggest ;)


One last thing I suggest for carrier ops: vLSO to add LSO's, or Landing Signals Officers to the boat you are trying to land on. They are there to assist the pilots get down to the deck, giving directions, especially on final, and double especially in conditions of low visibility. Like at night, or in bad weather. Or both :D

They also grade each landing so the pilots can see what they did wrong, to improve their landing skills. EVERYthing they did wrong. Every single tiny, little, stinkin', nit-picked, detail of what they do wrong.

Be forewarned, too, they are TOUGH on the grades. You have to make an absolutely perfect landing on the boat to receive a grade of OK. Best you can get, and they are RARE. Those LSO's can be downright mean, too. They cut you NO slack. You twitch, they see it and downgrade you on it.

Personally, I think Paddles (the author) coded in a "Hate Pat" section when he wrote it, but I can't prove it... :D :rolleyes: :p ;)


As to your question regarding multiplayer action: To get into MP mode, simply look over on the left side of the main page when you load in. Right about the middle. There's a choice titled Multiplayer. All I've ever used it for is flying around with my lovely wife, in a simple, in-home MP session. I'm sorry, but I haven't a clue how to find other people to join up with. The IS a forum dedicated to the MP aspect though. In it is a FAQ thread, which I think will have how to do that. You can find it HERE.


Good luck, and I wish you great enjoyment of the sim!



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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THe rasar gauge.

filename: gauge.zip

In the file library on flightsim.com


also, my 747 button fixes:



and a nice plane is the FA18 combat. Download on Simviation site. A few more popups then the default one has.


Don't forget the nice paints there are for default planes.

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