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Texture loading on the default 172

Double J

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When flying the 172 I will completely lose my texture after changing views not just for a second or two but it never comes back. Only the 172 has this problem so I know it's not my gpu or pc, also when 172 AI are in the vicinity they will also appear only as white on occasion. No other aircraft has this problem either . I checked the cfg for the 172 and everything is there in it's original order and numbers match with no textures missing.


Any ideas? FSX bug with the 172?


Any chance this thread and another are related?




2 carrot salad, 10.41 liter bucket, electric doorbell, 17 inch fan, 12X14, 85 Dbm
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That makes sense. Thank you for posting that, DoubleJ.

Would be easyer then my solution.


I notice also:

The problem with the default Cessna and FSX default aircraft in general


is that Microsoft made a rule that an aircraft's shared texture folder


should never be used to contain an exterior repaint texture.


I think my solution also meant the shared folder ("Texture") does no longer contain a repaint texture. At least, not a user repaint anyway. When the user selects "White", he selects the texture.white folder.

If the Red&Gold is used as AI there may be some problem.


I will try Nick Cooper's solution later. Thanks again.

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My solution in Post#22 worked perfectly for me. Maybe it's because I have FSX Standard and everyone else has Deluxe or Better. I can start a flight with the "White" 172 and then switch to every one of my different colors and back again with no problems. This was on the ground before engine start and probably why it worked!


UPDATE: OK, now I see what you are saying. I've never changed textures while flying! On the ground before start up it would select the correct color but once in flight it stays with the white.


My Bad! Time to use your modification il88pp or Double J

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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I must be slow or getting old because I can't even figure this out. Do you cut all textures and place them in the texture.common file or leave the one Texture behind?


This is where I get lost..


In the case of the Cessna 172, these are the repaint files










Select these (from where?) and cut them from the texture.common folder


and paste them back into the texture folder.


Yes, I cut everything from the original texture folder and pasted into the new texture.common.


Select them from the new texture.common folder and paste them back into the old texture folder. Never saw zENdy.jpg


The instruction that confused me slightly was this one:


Save the texture.cfg file and then copy and paste it over the texture.cfg file of each


repaint texture folder. I deleted the word repaint for it to make sense.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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There is a much easier way.


In the C172 folder, make a copy of the texture folder and name it texture.white.


Open the texture folder and delete the C172_T.DDS.


Open the aircraft.cfg and find the [fltsim.05] section.


Change texture= to texture=white.


Go fly.



the Bean

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


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Using Nick's instructions, the end result would be the same as if you made and empty texture.common folder and then moved everything except those files in the list out of 'Texture' and into 'texture.common'.








Bean's method works as well but Prop_C172.dds and c172_t_spec.dds are also repaint-specific so they should be deleted from the 'Texture' folder in addition to C172_T.dds. There's no point in having a texture.cfg or a thumbnail.jpg in the common texture folder so you may as well delete them too which leaves you following Nick's instructions basically but with an additional aircraft.cfg edit.

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You definitely sound confused.


1. Make sure your texture folder looks like the one I showed.


2. Make sure your texture.common folder looks like the one I showed.


3. Make sure ALL texture folders, texture, texture.1, texture.2, etc

have the texture.cfg showing:






Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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Bean's method works



Bean's method works as well but Prop_C172.dds and c172_t_spec.dds are also repaint-specific so they should be deleted from the 'Texture' folder in addition to C172_T.dds. There's no point in having a texture.cfg or a thumbnail.jpg in the common texture folder so you may as well delete them too which leaves you following Nick's instructions basically but with an additional aircraft.cfg edit.


Did you test this to be sure???


I did test my method and it works perfectly.


The only problem with my method is that you do not have to delete C172_T.DDS from the texture folder, that is an unneeded step.


As for my method having an extra aircraft.cfg edit, as compared to Nick's method, it does.


However my method does not require the 5 texture.cfg edits in Nick's method needed to make it work.

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


Never argue with idiots.

They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

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Thanks anyways but my folders don't look like yours and I have tried 10 different ways to get this to work.





Move all of those folders out of texture.common and put them back in the C172 folder where they came from.


Delete texture.common.


Make a copy of the folder named texture.


Rename that copy texture.white.


Open the aircraft.cfg and find the [fltsim.05] section.


Change texture= to texture=white.


Change the ui_variation=" Red, Gold" to ui_variation=" White"


Go fly.



the Bean

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


Never argue with idiots.

They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

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Thanks anyways but my folders don't look like yours and I have tried 10 different ways to get this to work.








DoubleJ. Do not see this as instuctions. It is written more as explanation. Because you don't seem to get the overall idea yet.


In folder ..\c172 should be the following folders:










In Texture.common should be the files zippy showed. (Post 38).

All those files were originally in folder: Texture

They were moved (cut-paste) from folder: Texture


In folder Texture should then remain only the 5 files Zippy showed.

(5 files)

Those 5 were in ..\Texture from the start !!!




If a repaint is loaded, not all requred files are in the repaint folder. There is a "Fallback" folder.

When FSX can't find the texture FILE it needs in the repaint folder, it looks for the FILE in the "Fallback folder"


Where FSX has to look for the Fallback folder, you indicate in the texture.cfg files.

Each texture folder (Texture -- texture.1 -- texture.2 -- texture.3 -- texture.4 -- texture.G1000) contains a texture.cfg file.


The "Fallback folder" was folder: Texture

This was in the original files 'texture.cfg'

(The first line in the Original texture.cfg file is: Fallback=..\Texture)

Or in other words, : "Dear FSX, if you can't find a file, have a look in folder: ..\Texture"


This we want to change now. The new Fallback folder will from now on be: texture.common !!!!!

To do this you need to change all those texture.cfg files, so they say:

Fallback= ..\texture.common

On the first line.

Or in other words, : "Dear FSX, if you can't find a file, have a look in folder: ..\texture.common"


The other lines in the texture.cfg file you do not change. You leave those in.


To do that, change it in one texture.cfg file, then copy that changed texture.cfg file into each texturefolder. You just overwrite the originals.



When done, you have texture.comon that is used as Fallback ONLY, and each repaint has it's own folder. The white repaint is in the folder Texture then.


Creating a folder that is used as Fallback ONLY, and NOT also as repaint, is what this is all about!!

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Did you test this to be sure???


You're right Bean, I assumed that since you still had 5 texture.cfgs pointing to the 'Texture' folder the "white cessnas problem" would still manifest itself at KHQM where the white variation is used as AI. I realize you have that covered with the edit to [fltsim.5] now. No I didn't test it.

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