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runway deleted on pmdg 747,777 pmdg


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i am trying to depart from llbg with 777 or new 747 pmdg but fmc tells me that the rw 03 does not exist (on fmc-departure )and all data -sid star, disappears . other icao's are ok.

i have 737pmdg that works fine.

i tried to reinstall - did not work.

i use orbx base+trees

if i will buy navigraph it will help?

maybe somebody can help


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i am trying to depart from llbg with 777 or new 747 pmdg but fmc tells me that the rw 03 does not exist (on fmc-departure )and all data -sid star, disappears . other icao's are ok.

i have 737pmdg that works fine.

i tried to reinstall - did not work.

i use orbx base+trees

if i will buy navigraph it will help?

maybe somebody can help



PMDG aircraft do not list runways that are too short for the aircraft.

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It sounds like the FMC database is out of date. In the FMC it should tell you the date of the database. If it's quite old then you'll need to update it from Navigraph.


Is runway 03 a recently new runway added in real life by chance? Seems odd that the FMC wouldn't even have it, but it could have been missed in the older database.




Ah! looks like it's an old runway. From Wikipedia:



Short runway


When it was originally built, the short runway (direction 03/21) was 1,780 m (5,840 ft) long, making it too short to accommodate most mainline passenger jets. At the time it mainly served cargo aircraft of the Israeli Air Force and as a taxiway for runway 26. However, by late 2011, the runway was closed and most of the activity in the military apron to the east of the runway was permanently relocated to the Nevatim Airbase in southern Israel. In late May 2014 the runway was reopened after having been rebuilt and lengthened to 2,772 m (9,094 ft), allowing it to handle most types of aircraft. It is equipped with an ILS and mostly handles landings from north to south.


Funny that it's not in the FMC. You could look in the database in your computer and see if it actually exists. But that's a little complicated. Before you buy a Navigraph product, I would head on over to PMDG's website and ask about runway 03 and the FMC database. https://www.avsim.com/forums/forum/136-the-pmdg-support-forum/


I could have sworn that PMDG was going to move to their own support forum. Looks like they still exist at Avsim. Thus far at least.


Come to think about it. Since runway 03 was closed up until 2014, your database may in fact reflect the fact it WAS a closed runway, thus the reason why it doesn't show up in the FMC. Which means your FMC database may in fact date before 2014. So if your FMC database is outdated, an update may put runway 03 back.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

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A little off topic, but I think all airports should model their security after the Ben Gurion airport. It's one of the most secure airports in the world and with good reason.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

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