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VNAV/LNAV Prior to Takeoff in PMDG 737

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I've watched every video on You Tube and made 100 of test flight and cannot for some reason turn on VNAV prior to takeoff in this aircraft. I've programmed everything into the FMC correctly but still cannot engage VNAV for some reason. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
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I don't think you turn VNAV on prior to take off. You would climb 1,000 AGL and then engage VNAV and LNAV. The flight director is turned on prior to take off. And you have to set up your FMC at the gate.

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Have you completed tutorial #1. The answer is on page 53.

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I've watched every video on You Tube and made 100 of test flight and cannot for some reason turn on VNAV prior to takeoff in this aircraft. I've programmed everything into the FMC correctly but still cannot engage VNAV for some reason. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks


You need to work the tutorials. Most of the videos show rubbish technique. Such as engaging VNAV before take off. Which you do NOT do.

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  • 2 years later...
I don't think you turn VNAV on prior to take off. You would climb 1,000 AGL and then engage VNAV and LNAV. The flight director is turned on prior to take off. And you have to set up your FMC at the gate.


"egsjr1956" posted "Have you completed tutorial #1. The answer is on page 53."


No. I came here from a Google search, 2 years after these posts above, but unfortunately, LNAV and VNAV still refuse to arm as part of the poorly documented 737ng PRE-TAKEOFF setup procedures.


No help, people, thanks all the same.

Edited by criticalmass
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You would never arm LNAV and VNAV on the ground. Again, the proper procedure is at least 1000' AGL after takeoff. LNAV is probably at that altitude or sooner so the FMC can steer the aircraft to abide by noise abatement and such for the climb out.


If LNAV and VNAV is not arming, then it could be because you have no procedures in the FMC. I think the flight director has to be on as well.


I flew the PMDG 737 for years in FS2004, but never tried the NGX version.


Oh! The other thing that could prevent LNAV and VNAV arming is that I think you have to be near on course with your flight plan. If you have the SID programed then that should be in your ND that shows the route. So manually fly that track or intercept it and prior to interception arm VNAV and LNAV. In real life it's different. You'd read the SID and if it says climb to 1,000' and then turn right at such and such you do that manually I'm sure.


You should know how to fly your plane with and without instruments, or at least know how to use just the backup gauges. Which means you do some lessons in the Sim for VFR flying and knowing how to use your timer.

Edited by CRJ_simpilot

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

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