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Setting FSUIPC Configuration To Multiple Liveries of the Same Model


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I am new to Pete Dawson's FSUIPC. I got it so that I could set up multiple throttle controls for the Aerosoft Twin Otter Extended.

My first impressions are it is an incredibly powerful application, and holds much that I can't even imagine investigating. With this power, comes a large learning curve. The manual is thorough, but I find not very easy reading.


I have successfully assigned and configured my axis in FSUIPC ... the throttles, props and mixtures and are are working in my aircraft. I set that aircraft, a DHC-6-300 wheeled, up as a profile. The FSUIPC configuration loads up whenever I load that particular aircraft.


But I have 22 liveries of the DHC-6-300 Wheeled aircraft. I found if I select another, I have to repeat the whole FSUIPC configuration over again. I was hoping the configuration would apply to all my DHC-6-300 Wheeled aircraft.


I googled for some support and discovered that adjusting the FSCUIPC4.ini file I could add the different liveries... (perhaps I misunderstood the post)


Here is how I changed my FSUIPC4.ini file:

[Profile.DHC-6-300 Wheels]
1=Aerosoft DHC-6 Series 300 Wheels
2=Aerosoft DHC-6 Series 300 AKLAK AIR
3=Aerosoft DHC-6 Series 300 Solomon
4=Aerosoft DHC-6 Series 300 Cayman Airlines Express
5=Aerosoft DHC-6 Series 300 Air Seychelles (S7-BRD)
6=Aerosoft DHC-6 Series 300 Air Seychelles (S7-DNS)
7=Aerosoft DHC-6 Series 300 Air Seychelles (S7-LDI)
8=Aerosoft DHC-6 Series Blue Islands Srs300.3B-P by Tom Weiss
9=Aerosoft DHC-6 Series 300 British Antarctic Survey by Tom Weiss
10=Aerosoft DHC-6 Series 300.3B-C British Antarctic Survey by Tom Weiss
11=Aerosoft DHC-6 Series 300.3B-P NorOntair Srs300 by Tom Weiss
12=Aerosoft DHC-6 Series 300 Kenn Borek Srs300 by Tom Weiss
13=Aerosoft DHC-6 Series 300.3B-C KENN BOREK by Tom Weiss
14=Aerosoft DHC-6 Series 300 RCAF Srs300 by Tom Weiss
15=Aerosoft DHC-6 Series 300.3B-C RCAF by Tom Weiss
16=Aerosoft DHC-6 Series 300 Wheels OMNR 874
17=Aerosoft DHC-6 Series 300 Wheels Kenn Borek C-GKBO
18=Aerosoft DHC-6 Series 300 Seaborne Air Shuttle
19=Aerosoft DHC-6 Series 300 Aeropelican
20=Aerosoft DHC-6 Series 300 P2-MCS
21=Aerosoft DHC-6 Series 300 North Wright
22=Aerosoft DHC-6 Series 300 CIRPAS
23=Aerosoft DHC-6 Series 300 VH-HPT
24=Aerosoft DHC-6 Series 300.3B-C FEDEX Srs300 by Tom Weiss
25=Aerosoft DHC-6 Series US Forest Service Srs300.3B-P by Tom Weiss
26=Aerosoft DHC-6 Series US Forest Service Srs300.3B-C by Tom Weiss

[Axes.DHC-6-300 Wheels]

[buttons.DHC-6-300 Wheels]

[JoystickCalibration.DHC-6-300 Wheels]


1=Aerosoft DHC-6 Series 300 Wheels is the aircraft I used to configure FSUIPC. I manually added aircraft 2 to 26 under the [Profile.DHC-6-300 Wheels] section. (Not sure if it's that easy). I got the aircraft name from the respective title in the aircraft.cfg file.


I have found that the other DHC-6-300 aircraft have NOT taken the FSUIPC configuration.


Have I taken the wrong approach? Am I doing something that isn't possible? Do I have to set up each individual aircraft separately?

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If you set the ShortAircraftName line in FSUIPC4.ini to ShortAircraftNameOk=Substring, renaming your profile to just "DHC-6" should allow all of these models to use the same settings.



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If you set the ShortAircraftName line in FSUIPC4.ini to ShortAircraftNameOk=Substring, renaming your profile to just "DHC-6" should allow all of these models to use the same settings.




As Dugald suggests, you set the Profile name just once, then apply that profile name to all aircraft that you wish to share that profile. Simple!

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Thank you all for your your replies. I eventually found the process in the manual. I did find though for this to work, I had to go into the particular aircraft.cfg file and ensure that the titles of all aircraft included had the same preface.


So for example, I had to add "Aerosoft DHC-6 Series 300" to each of the existing aircraft titles in the .cfg file. Only once having done was I able to apply a common profile to that particular aircraft. Without doing that, it seemed I had to do a new profile for each aircraft.

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You should familiarize yourself with the "Profile Specific" option of FSUIPC. It will be found on page 23 of the user guide. You really have no need to to go into the ini file unless you are going to delete something.

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Yeah ... that was what I finally found in the manual that helped me realize that the setup of multiple liveries of the same aircraft was done through the profile specific option.

But as I said, maybe I missed something else, I had to go into the aircraft's config file and change the titles of many of them so that they all started with the aircraft name setup in the initial profile.

So for my hanger of Aerosoft DHC-6-300 Wheels (title of the first aircraft in that aircraft.cfg), I had to ensure that "Aerosoft DHC-6-300 Wheels" was leading in all the aircraft titles before it would work. After I did that, all my DHC-6-300 Wheeled aircraft took on the profile I assigned to the first aircraft.


It seemed to work in that instance, but that practice seems to have failed in my attempts to do the same thing for my Aerosoft DHC-6-300 Skiwheel. The first aircraft in that cfg file was "Aerosoft DHC-6-300 Skiwheel PAX". I assigned an existing profile to it through FSUIPC and ensured all the titles of the different livery titles were preceded with "Aerosoft DHC-6-300 Skiwheel". The first aircraft works, but unlike the similar process with the wheeled versions, the other skiwheels haven't adopted the profile settings of the first skiwheel aircraft. The only way I can assign skiwheel aircraft 2 for example is to create it's own profile (different name) taking on the settings of another existing profile. If this is what I am having to do, I am going to have 8 different skiwheel profiles each with just one aircraft.


I must still be doing something wrong.

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The only aircraft that I know of that used the shortname was the Aerosoft airbus. What I usually do is to just set up my general settings like rudder, aileron and elevator. Also buttons. Then when I want to set up something specific I will tick the profile specific square a box will pop up that will ask if you want to apply general specifics. Click yes. Another box will pop up asking to use a new option or a previous option. If the option that you want is not in the list you then create a new one.


Example open your DHC go to axis setting in FSUIPC, click profile specific, click yes for apply general specifics and then the next box name the profile like DHC throttle. After you have done this a few times you will get the hang of it and use it all the time.

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If you have to include "Aerosoft" in the profile title, I think the ShortAircraftNameOk item in your ini file must have been set to "Yes", whereas the setting you need is "Substring", which should pick up the profile title (e.g. DHC-6 as I suggested above) in ANY PART of the aircraft's title (in aircraft.cfg). This should also automatically apply the same profile to your Skiwheel models. Have a look at Appendix 2 in the FSUIPC4 user manual.


Incidentally, the reason why you need individual assignments for your Skiwheel models could be the fact that you're using "Aerosoft DHC-6-300 Skiwheel", whereas in my installation the name in aircraft.cfg is "Aerosoft DHC-6 300 Skiwheel", with a space instead of a hyphen between the 6 and the 300.



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