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2018 time for new freeware developers


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Im a amateur, but as im on the cuff of getting a new PC Im looking forward to seeing more productively in the flight sim space. Im looking to get like minded individuals how looking for more and is will at least fund a group capable of pushing the envelope getting some product out this year. Hell kickstarter Gofundme what ever we need a better attitude ego-free development group this year
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"Ego-free?" Good luck with that! :rolleyes: Just kidding! :cool:


I've been working as a sim developer for close to three decades already and have found many -if not most- of my fellow devs are willing to share their knowledge and tricks. Many of the best freeware devs hang out at http://fsdeveloper.com though.

Bill Leaming http://smileys.sur-la-toile.com/repository/Combat/0054.gif

Gauge Programming - 3d Modeling Military Visualizations

Flightsim.com Panels & Gauges Forum Moderator

Flightsim Rig: Intel Core i7-2600K - 8GB DDR3 1333 - EVGA GTX770 4GB - Win7 64bit Home Premium

Development Rig1: Intel Core i7-3770k - 16GB DDR3 - Dual Radeon HD7770 SLI 1GB - Win7 64bit Professional

Development Rig2: Intel Core i7-860 - 8GB DDR3 Corsair - GeForce GTS240 1GB - Win7 64bit Home Premium

NOTE: Unless explicitly stated in the post, everything written by my hand is MY opinion. I do NOT speak for any company, real or imagined...

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For FS9 it is more complex, since you'll probably also need Middleman and MDL Commander.


I don't know if you intend on using the "unlimited export" technique (which I know little about). For information on that technique search for


unlimited export


in this forum only (limit to titles only):




For middleman and MDL Commander:


https://www.fsdeveloper.com/wiki/index.php?title=X_file_saving_with_MDLCommander (MDL Commander link in there, do not use the instructions there)


http://www.thefreeflightsite.com/Design.htm (search site for middleman, use only the mman.zip file inside the downloaded FS Regen zip file).


Instructions for installing Middleman and MDL Commander:




Use only the Installation section and use the links above to download them. Your middleman zip will be called mman.zip instead.


Hope this helps,

Tom Gibson


CalClassic Propliner Page: http://www.calclassic.com

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PS. Instead of doing all that for Middleman and MDL Commander (and getting an obsolete version of Middleman, the only one I can find), you can instead download this file and it has all the renaming, etc. done for you, with a later version of Middleman to boot. Instructions in the readme file:



Tom Gibson


CalClassic Propliner Page: http://www.calclassic.com

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