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Engines won't start


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I downloaded the Project Airbus pack. I have just one problem: the airplane is on cold and dark and the engines won't start when I press CTRL +E. Is there any way to fix this? I've tried (and I hope I did it right) the default flight-method.

Plz help!


(Can someone maybe tell me is there are any other steps besides saving a flight, marking it as default flight and selecting another aircraft?)

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I downloaded the Project Airbus pack.


Yes, the notorious PA pack we all know (not). Download name and location please?


What panel does it use ?

BTW if CTRL-E doesn't work on a more or less not-complex panel, it mostly fuel (or rather the absence of it).


(Can someone maybe tell me is there are any other steps besides saving a flight, marking it as default flight and selecting another aircraft?)

Is this topic related, or just another question ?



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Yes, the notorious PA pack we all know (not). Download name and location please?


What panel does it use ?

BTW if CTRL-E doesn't work on a more or less not-complex panel, it mostly fuel (or rather the absence of it).


Is this topic related, or just another question ?




I agree with Wim, for the most part. Especially which airbus pack you downloaded. Lack of starting where you hear the engines spooling up but never igniting can be caused by the mixture (from your default flight) not being full rich, hence lack of fuel.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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I'm interested in the other part ;).




Ya dint tell the poor soul why he has no gas! Didn't eat enough beans!:eek: His plane probably wouldn't be easier to start if he filled the tanks. (Hence lack of fuel);) That's why I mentioned the Mixture or lack of.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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