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Twin Otter X Liveries?


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Hey, does anyone happen to have any repaints for the Aerosoft DHC-6 Twin Otter X? And no, I don't mean the Twin Otter Extended - I've been looking for hours for even just 1 repaint for the 'X' package and all i can find is 'Extended' repaints. I'd really love to have a Skybus livery to fly with but cant find anything anywhere - not even a paint kit. If anyone's found either a repaint page for this plane or a paint kit, could they please either link it to me or send it to me? It would be very much appreciated as I've literally spent most of my evening searching. Thanks,



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Managed to dig deep through Aerosoft's page and found an unsupported section of repaints dedicated to the Twin Otter X. Took me about an hour or so to find but I got there (and found the liveries I was looking for!). I don' think it was a beta release as I've seen many people who still have the aircraft, it's just everything about it is buried under 'Extended' rather than 'X'. Thanks anyway guys :)
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