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OOM Error - any ideas???


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Hi Guys


I Start FSX up with Ifly737-900 and am sitting at FlyTampa Toronto CYYZ on active runway. Within one minute without doing anything I get the OOM Error. Any good ideas how to help eliminate this.


I am running Aeon 2200 Gaming Desktop Intel Core i7-4790 4.0 GHz Quad-core Processor, 32 GB RAM, 240GB SSD, 500GB SSD, GeForce GTX 960 2GB Graphics, Windows 10 64-Bit


I know I can reduce all my scenery sliders to lower settings but any other ideas.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thx, Thomas

Gaming Desktop Intel Core i7-4790k 4.0 GHz Quad-core Processor, 32 GB RAM, 4x500GB SSD, GeForce GTX 1070 8GB Video Card, Windows 10 64-Bit, Saitek Yoke, 2 Throttle Quads, Switch Panel, Radio Panel, Rudder Pedals, VAInterface MCP & EIFS, USB Pad, 40" Sony TV Monitor, 20" Samsung Monitor
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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi,I have only the slider on for my airport I am at.
Gaming Desktop Intel Core i7-4790k 4.0 GHz Quad-core Processor, 32 GB RAM, 4x500GB SSD, GeForce GTX 1070 8GB Video Card, Windows 10 64-Bit, Saitek Yoke, 2 Throttle Quads, Switch Panel, Radio Panel, Rudder Pedals, VAInterface MCP & EIFS, USB Pad, 40" Sony TV Monitor, 20" Samsung Monitor
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In fsx-settings, reduce the detail settins in all 5 of the tabs. You have a 2.4 ghz cpu (or thereabouts, I looked it up yesterday but not so sure now) and the cpu does not have a turbo frequency. Also you have no separate graphics card. That's may just be enough to load the PMDG, but not to have detail settings up. Probably have to reduce all the sliders for settings all the way to the left.
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VAS is Virtual Address Space. It is the number of addresses fsx can store data at.


I've heard that you can increase that by adding



in the



section of the fsx.cfg file.


(like so)




only add the second line in the correct section.



VAS on a 32 bit OSD is even lower.

In 32 bit WIndows, the maximum available RAM is 4 gb.

FSX gets part of that to use, but Windows uses a part as well, and the videocard also keeps RAM occupied.

If you have a 32bit OS Windows version, 4gb RAM, and a 1gb videocard

you have 4 in total,

minus 1 for the videocard,

minus 0.5gb for WIndows,

minus some for running programs in the background,

means at most about 2gb available for fsx.


If you have a 64 bit OS, 8gb RAM, and a 1gb videocard,

Windows and the videocard use less then 4

FSX also gets 4gb to play with.

(FSX itself is a 32bit program, so it will never get more then 4gb of RAM to play with.)

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#1 download the program "Process Explorer"

Learn how to monitor your virtual size. One thing that I do is turn off all traffic and set scenery to the default settings. There are many ways to play with the numbers and once you start seeing what uses what you will be able to adjust accordingly. For me its only when I use the jets and the payware airports, especially in the New York area that I need to be concerned. I can fly GA all day with everything cranked to the max and never be concerned.

GPU: GeForce GTX 1080

CPU: Intel Core i7-7700K CPU@4.2GHz

Memory: 16.00GB Ram

Resolution: 3840 x 2160, 30Hz Seiki 39†Monitor

Operating System: Windows 10 Home Edition

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