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Fantastic Screenshot App!!! --- Greenshot ---- (Open Source) - (And really great)


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Found a great screenshot program. Greenshot.

Some important info at the end. So if you are "I don't read manuals" at least read the last bit I write.



Greenshot takes screenshots, you can select:

*what to take screenshot of, assigning keys to Window/Full Screen/etc.

*What is shown in screenshot (mouse pointer or not, etc).

*how to save screenshot, .jpg, .bmp, .png, etc,etc.

*where to save screenshot, or 'save as dialogue, or many other options.

*can select to send screenshots to image editor, or text editor.

*can select to send to printer.



End summary.



Greenshot can take screenshot of:


-Whole screen

-Capture Region (Part of Window)

-Capture Last Region (Part of Window last used I think..)

***You can set a different shortcut key for each option.

For example print screen for capture whole screen and 'Contr+SHift+Printscreen" for "Capture Window".

Or set it the other way around. All as you desire.



Gives you the option to set Capture options to YES/NO for:

-mouse in screenshot

-sound when screenshot

-show notifications

-show magnifier



-App name or Window title as part of screenshot name. So FSX shots have "Microsoft Flight Simulator X in their name




Output options to:

-Select storage location.

-Copy filename to clipboard after each shot.

-Select in settings what filetype you want your shots saved as. Then fire away.

-Select image quality. So you can make all screenshots come out at low quality if you want to save size.



Choices for destination of screenshot file. You can choose one option, more, or all, as you desire. (Checkboxes).

-offer "Save As" dialogue.

-or default location ---you can set default save folder of your choice.

-or send to image editor.

-(list of your image editors to choose from)

-Send to different programs too. Microsoft Word for example.

-or to clipboard.-send to one of various upload sites, Imgur for example.



-I noticed 'GIMP2' was not in the list of editors, even though I have Gimp installed.

It was easily added.

I found you use the "configure external commands" option to:

-set a name for the listing (I chose GIMP)

-select the .exe of Gimp.

-and press OK.

Next time you open the preferences Window GIMP was in the list.


-Greenshot comes with it's own image editor included. It looks like a good basic editor, very similar to the MS Windows "Paint".

At the top of the editor is also a row of icons. I noticed a GIMP icon, clicked on it, and immediately the image that was open in Greenshot, opened in GIMP as well. Making the Greenshot editor good for basic edits, and giving the option to switch over to a more advanced editor when you need to.





Greenshot can be sent to send the screenshots you take to printer. Printing them right away.

It can also be set to then print various info on the image if you want. Time/date, filename, etc.

Also print options like:

Colour or Black and White printing

and even reversed colours.






-Greenshot can only take a screenshot of a program that runs with admin privileges if Greenshot is also running with admin privileges.

So to use it with fsx, right click the Greenshot.exe file, go to "Properties", and select "Run this program with Administrator Privileges".



In the Greenshot settings ,in the Capture-tab, in "Window Capture" you can select

either: "Interactive Window Capture Mode" or "Capture mode".

I found "Interactive Window Capture Mode" very confusing. It took shots of something else then I wanted.


After choosing the "Window Capture Mode" there were more options.

I ended up using: "Interactive Window Capture Mode" -- ""Automatically""


At first is seemed like Greenshot was a bit hit and miss. But that was because I had not given it admin priviledges.

Now, it's a dream to work with!!!



Greenshot has an extremely detailed user guide (Called FAQ, but it's so much more)

Greenshot is Open Source.

You can download the program from here:



(Here's he page in the FAQ about adding a Photo Editor you have to the Greenshot menu.)







PS: Screeny of a menu:

(So quick. No resizing was needed. Click to open menu, press printscreen key, presto.):


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Hi il88,

What specific need did it fulfill for you? Sounds like it does a lot but I can't think of anything that I have a problem with or that it would simplify. I don't want to dismiss checking it out further because I'm overlooking something.

Jim F

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Zippy, yep, and taking screenies while I do!



I set it to take shots with printscreen

Shots of Window only

That way, it always takes shot of fsx, weather Full screen or minimised.


I got it because I really needed screenies with mouse.

Needed that explain the location that had to be clicked in VC.


To get mouse included I tried about 5 freewares, all hell. Then stumbled on this wonderful App that just really worked right away. Lifesaver.


I like the option to hear a sound when screenshot is taken. This has on/off option.

Sound was "click-clack" camera sound. I didn't like that sound.

A quick search on Google found a way to set a different sound. Editing .ini file in ../Appdata//Roaming/Greenshot, and editing the file.


I wanted the "simple mouse click sound"

I changed:


to a direct file path to the sound file.

new line became:

NotificationSound=C:\Windows\Media\Windows Navigation Start.wav


now I hear a single click only.



Greenshot is light, runs stable, and fast. Haven't found anything I want and that it can't do.

It's actively being developed. (I think on Linux as well.)


The option to select what file type to save as is a great thing too. Saves you a load of converting.


Up till now I used a combination of the -V- key, and Snapper.

(Each saving to their own folder, and screenies got spread out sometimes.)


I think I will do away with both those methods, and switch to Greenshot for all screenshot taking from now on. It doesn't seem to slow the pc in any way.

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Open your old pics in Snapper, with Greenshot running in background (minimized), then press key for screenshot and presto you have a pic in Greenshot folder(s) of old pic. Of course you could copy over. But the idea is that you can rename, etc, with ease. Maybe?

Chuck B


Edit: You can say what you want (or don't want to say) about Fraps. But the one thing it can do is let you take 90 'printscreen' jpg's, one at a time, and not bat an eyelash about it. They sit minimized for you to go 'Save As' to any folder with any name when you have a minute or two. Or, leave them there for a week. It don't care.

i7 2600K @ 3.4 Ghz (Turbo-Boost to 3.877 Ghz), Asus P8H67 Pro, Super Talent 8 Gb DDR3/1333 Dual Channel, XFX Radeon R7-360B 2Gb DDR5, Corsair 650 W PSU, Dell 23 in (2048x1152), Windows7 Pro 64 bit, MS Sidewinder Precision 2 Joy, Logitech K-360 wireless KB & Mouse, Targus PAUK10U USB Keypad for Throttle (F1 to F4)/Spoiler/Tailhook/Wing Fold/Pitch Trim/Parking Brake/Snap to 2D Panel/View Change. Installed on 250 Gb (D:). FS9 and FSX Acceleration (locked at 30 FPS).
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