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Crash to desktop


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Seem to have a problem that I don't understand why, anytime I take a flight outside the US ...about 10 min before landing ( I guess once the airport load's ) FSX cashes to desktop. It doesn't matter if its an airport that's a add-on or default software still crashes. I will hate to have to install the FSX CD to do a repair because it always make things worst and I have to end up reinstalling the whole sim over. I have attached a crash log



FSx Error.txt

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A crash due to the util.dll faulting module is usually caused by and addon scenery. You may have to delete them form your Scenery Library to see which one is causing the ctd.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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A crash due to the util.dll faulting module is usually caused by and addon scenery. You may have to delete them form your Scenery Library to see which one is causing the ctd.


So should i delete FTX Globel ? that's the only scenery add-on that I have.

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All you can do is give it a try and see if it's the culprit!


I uninstalled FTX last night and ran sim but it still crashed. I went into the scenery library and checked to make sure "Propeller Objects" and everything below it is checked. Then un-check everything above Propeller Objects and run the sim. Still crashed which tells me that the problem is with my default files not an add-on. Now the question is how do I fix it?

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I uninstalled FTX last night and ran sim but it still crashed. I went into the scenery library and checked to make sure "Propeller Objects" and everything below it is checked. Then un-check everything above Propeller Objects and run the sim. Still crashed which tells me that the problem is with my default files not an add-on. Now the question is how do I fix it?


If it's something in the default files, you answered it in your first post. Running the Repair option can be tricky. You have to uninstall Acceleration or both SPs before doing it.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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better try some other things first.

let fsx rebuild the fsx.cfg and accept the default key assignments too.

(make a backup copy of "standard.xml" file before you do. That file contains your contrlol assignments.)


I was going to add: "lower your settings" but the fsx.cfg rebul will already do that for you.

Still, don't set your settings too high after. And use only the sliders.

Editing the settings in the fsx.cfg by hand can set the settings so high fsx just crashes.


When testing, run only fsx, and no associated programs at the same time (such as weather, plang, online gaming, etc).


Make sure everything about the pc is stable. Switch off any overclocking.

scan virusses.

check if there are windows updates waiting to be installed.



Also, check the event log for other critical errors that have to dowih your computer. (Critical is marked red)

these need attention.

Google what the messages mean. and fix them.

That can be a long and tedious job, as there is often a lot of conflicting info on these errors.

Worth it in the end though.

I found that on my pc many (not all) such errors were from certain Windows Services not running. Finding out which ones to switch on can be a pain though.

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