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Flight Sim Dilemma

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A planner native to X-plane but still in development with a major upgrade expected this summer is Goodway 5. Paul Mort recently reviewed this Flight Planner here at flightsm.com



Many former FSX/P3D users or simmers who also fly X-Plane prefer their beloved FSX/P3D flight planner, in combination with XPUIC http://www.tosi-online.de/XPUIPC/XPUIPC.html XPUIC is an XP plugin that allows the use of certain FSX addons in XP, and a must have I forgot to mention earlier.


As for Mesh v3 and ortho4xp, that does require quite a bit of work, and you install it gradually, one area (or tile) at a time, with your most favourite area first of course :)

BTW, there are lots of YouTube tutorials.

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A planner native to X-plane but still in development with a major upgrade expected this summer is Goodway 5. Paul Mort recently reviewed this Flight Planner here at flightsm.com



Many former FSX/P3D users or simmers who also fly X-Plane prefer their beloved FSX/P3D flight planner, in combination with XPUIC http://www.tosi-online.de/XPUIPC/XPUIPC.html XPUIC is an XP plugin that allows the use of certain FSX addons in XP, and a must have I forgot to mention earlier.


As for Mesh v3 and ortho4xp, that does require quite a bit of work, and you install it gradually, one area (or tile) at a time, with your most favourite area first of course :)

BTW, there are lots of YouTube tutorials.


Thanks so much for the suggestions, and everyone else that also chimed in. I like the look of Plan G. Seems like it might be the goto option. I have time though and will look more closely at them all.


XPUIC, seems rather interesting, but how do you know if a addon is compatible with it? I was looking at FS Commander and there was no mention of it supporting this only the FS plugin.


I believe I found a good tutorial on ortho4xp that should really help me get that set up, its still a bit daunting even with that lol.


Another question (I have lots, I know...sorry bout that), when flying with XP11 does it know if you don't have rudder peddles? or am I technically gimping myself with just the yoke? I'm just curious because I'm trying to decide between the rudder peddles and the Saitek Pro Throttle Quadrant. Looking for opinions on which would be a better buy. I'm just worried my coordination wont be up to snuff with the rudder peddles lol.


Again, thank you all so much for helping and giving advice. I greatly appreciate it.

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I am feeling lazy, so I am copy-pasting this from the XP11 manual:


If neither a set of rudder pedals nor the joystick is set to control yaw, X‑Plane will automatically slew the rudder to try and keep the airplane flying true. This auto-rudder function, however, is not smart enough to take off or land properly in a crosswind, slip, or do various other things that rudders might be used for. For this reason, rudder pedals (or at least a twisting joystick) are highly recommended.


I can't imagine flying a plane without pedals, but to each his own :)

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I can't imagine flying a plane without pedals, but to each his own :)


I flew with a joy pad. The left analog stick was aileron and elevator. The right analog stick was rudder.


I now have the CH Products pedals and yoke.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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