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Landing lights whiteout


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No and no. aircraft.cfg has this line against the landing lights:


light.5 = 3, -19.00, -61.80, 6.00, Opensky_757_nav_yellow ,


Opensky_757_nav_yellow.fx is in an effects folder. I don't know this file format or how/if it can be edited.


OK, now let's look for the landing light! It should be something like this:


Light.X=5, xx, xx,xx, landing light.fx. the key is the 5 after the =

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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The entire section is:



//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing 6=taxi, 7=recognition, 8=wing, 9=logo

light.0 = 3, -13.50, 61.80, 6.10, fx_navgre ,

light.1 = 3, -13.50, -61.80, 6.10, fx_navred ,

light.2 = 3, -13.80, 61.80, 6.10, fx_navgre ,

light.3 = 3, -13.80, -61.80, 6.10, fx_navred ,

light.4 = 2, -16.40, 0.00, 6.10, Opensky_757_strobe ,

light.5 = 3, -19.00, -61.80, 6.00, Opensky_757_nav_yellow ,

light.6 = 3, -19.00, 61.80, 6.00, Opensky_757_nav_yellow ,

light.7 = 4, 71.00, 0.00, 6.50, Opensky_747_vclight ,

light.8 = 1, 41.50, 0.00, 11.00, fx_beacon ,

light.9 = 1, 3.50, 0.00, -3.80, fx_beacon ,

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