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Floating around Vancouver Island


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Hey Bob,


I really enjoyed that sequence! Molly and I spent a over a week in Vancouver and also several days on Vancouver Island in September.


We had a water view on the 21st floor room in the Pan Pacific Hotel while in Vancouver. From dawn to, sometimes well after dusk, we could watch the seaplanes come and go right outside our window! That was so cool! And as an old skier, having skied there years ago, the trip up to Whistler was a delight as well!


However I still chafe at the totally senseless 100 KPH speed limits there. We were lucky to not receive a ticket!! However we passed several places where the CMP were pulling almost as many cars over as they let go because they sighted them on their Laser Speed-guns as exceeding the 100 KPH limit in totally open countryside. Especially where it was 4 lanes each way 125 KPH or more would still have been more than safe with today's automobiles!!


And yes, I've been in almost every continent in the world but have yet to find anything more interesting than the North Western Coasts of the United States and Canada!


BTW: What Beaver is that? I'm a tight-ass when it comes to buying airplanes. I spend most of my dimes on scenery. But that plane, complete with the Garmin on the dash is certainly a great find!



Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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Great shots, Bob. Right up my alley.


What Beaver is that?


I will answer for Bob that it is the Aerosoft BeaverX.


I only answer for Bob as he may not be aware that Milviz has a Beaver in the works that, sight unseen, I can say will be better that the Aerosoft version.



the Bean

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


Never argue with idiots.

They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

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Great shots, Bob. Right up my alley.


I will answer for Bob that it is the Aerosoft BeaverX.


I only answer for Bob as he may not be aware that Milviz has a Beaver in the works that, sight unseen, I can say will be better that the Aerosoft version.


peace, the Bean


Thanks Bean. I couldn't have said it better. Funnier... but not better. :rolleyes: -- Bob



i7-7700 3.6GHz / GTX1660 6GB / 32GB RAM / 49" Samsung CHG90 / WIN10

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Looks like a lot of people are eager for some Beaver around here Bob! ;) Super set of randoms! :)

Yeah, you're right Wally - on account'a, it's a really great plane 'n' stuff. ;)


Hi Folks, Yeah - seems the MilViz Beaver is on short final - MilViz just opened the support forum on their site... Beautiful shots !!!Regards,Scott

'bout bloody time too. The Aerosoft model is nice and all, but it's been around for a while. We could use a state of the art rendition of this fine aquatic rodent! -- Bob



i7-7700 3.6GHz / GTX1660 6GB / 32GB RAM / 49" Samsung CHG90 / WIN10

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