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FSX Clip Board Size


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Is there a way you can resize the clip board windo in FSX/ It only lets you drag it open a little not as big as the entire screen.

Mike G.

Intel Core i7-4770K, ASUS MAXIMUS VI HERO Motherboard, , 8GB Memory , EVGA GeForce GTX 1070 6GB Video Card,Corsair Enthusiast 750W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply,Windows 7 64bit, Corsair Hydro Series H55 CPU Cooler

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I was hoping to make it wider. I have been adding checklists and Ref files to my aircraft by copying, pasting info into my word and saving as an htm file and not sure yet how to keep all of the text narrow enough without having to scroll the horizontal view. I have also been reading some info on installing a pdf kneeboard into fsx what's that all about?

Mike G.

Intel Core i7-4770K, ASUS MAXIMUS VI HERO Motherboard, , 8GB Memory , EVGA GeForce GTX 1070 6GB Video Card,Corsair Enthusiast 750W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply,Windows 7 64bit, Corsair Hydro Series H55 CPU Cooler

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I found the pdfKneeboard utility both FSX and FS9. Pretty cool. Now if I can learn either how to make the default Kneeboard wider or format the htm to come out in a narrower column.

Mike G.

Intel Core i7-4770K, ASUS MAXIMUS VI HERO Motherboard, , 8GB Memory , EVGA GeForce GTX 1070 6GB Video Card,Corsair Enthusiast 750W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply,Windows 7 64bit, Corsair Hydro Series H55 CPU Cooler

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Hi usb,

One of the first things I do when adding an aircraft is to create new check and ref files if it seems helpful. I, too, use Word. I set the screen width so that what I see in Word matches what I see on the kneeboard and edit and abbreviate as needed. Somtimes I have to be a little creative in my editing!

Here's an example of a Check file I recently created:



Here's something else you may wish to consider if there is some reason that the ref or check files just won't fit on the kneeboard without scrolling. At one time I went through the gauge creation tutorial in the SDK and one of the first things covered is the creation of a panel to put the new gauges on. The panel was simply a rectangular blank bmp. It occurred to me that the bmp didn't have to be blank but could be any bmp. I have most of my controls reconfigured to use the numpad in combination with other keys for almost all functions and recently thought it would be nice to have a pop up panel that showed the controls. So here's what I added to the C172:


First the new section added to the Panel.cfg (the size_mm values match the size of the bmp):






window_size= 0.5

window_pos= 0, 0




And here's the Info.bmp:



I doubt that this will be of any help in solving your kneeboard concern but maybe with the display of something else so I thought I'd just put it out there.

Jim F.

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Thank you! Very helpful indeed!! It's a new horizon for me and after ten years still learning new things and now as I said, ten years of ad ons and now finding that it might have been easier to do all this to each aircraft along the way. One thing like you said when I use word I set the right border wider to narrow the entries but when I saved it as an htm it changed it back for som reason.

Mike G.

Intel Core i7-4770K, ASUS MAXIMUS VI HERO Motherboard, , 8GB Memory , EVGA GeForce GTX 1070 6GB Video Card,Corsair Enthusiast 750W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply,Windows 7 64bit, Corsair Hydro Series H55 CPU Cooler

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Hi usb,

One of the first things I do when adding an aircraft is to create new check and ref files if it seems helpful. I, too, use Word. I set the screen width so that what I see in Word matches what I see on the kneeboard and edit and abbreviate as needed. Somtimes I have to be a little creative in my editing!

Here's an example of a Check file I recently created:



Here's something else you may wish to consider if there is some reason that the ref or check files just won't fit on the kneeboard without scrolling. At one time I went through the gauge creation tutorial in the SDK and one of the first things covered is the creation of a panel to put the new gauges on. The panel was simply a rectangular blank bmp. It occurred to me that the bmp didn't have to be blank but could be any bmp. I have most of my controls reconfigured to use the numpad in combination with other keys for almost all functions and recently thought it would be nice to have a pop up panel that showed the controls. So here's what I added to the C172:


First the new section added to the Panel.cfg (the size_mm values match the size of the bmp):






window_size= 0.5

window_pos= 0, 0




And here's the Info.bmp:



I doubt that this will be of any help in solving your kneeboard concern but maybe with the display of something else so I thought I'd just put it out there.

Jim F.


What do you mean by screen width?

Mike G.

Intel Core i7-4770K, ASUS MAXIMUS VI HERO Motherboard, , 8GB Memory , EVGA GeForce GTX 1070 6GB Video Card,Corsair Enthusiast 750W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply,Windows 7 64bit, Corsair Hydro Series H55 CPU Cooler

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What do I mean by screen width?!!

Frankly, I don't know what I was thinking of. The only thing that comes to mind is when I first add an image, sometimes they're too large to see the lower right edge prior to shrinking them down to the desired size. In Word, I do choose "Web Layout" on the View tab and then "Save as Web Page..." on the File tab and then select "Web Page (*.htm; *.html)" as the save type. And referring to the layout window I keep everything to about 4 1/4 inches wide. When I view the .htm on the Kneeboard everything looks the same as what I saw in Word. No scrolling required, nor resizing. If something doesn't work for you let me know and I'll check to see what else I forgot to mention or was misleading!

Jim F.

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You are not misleading at all, It is I that lack the understanding. Actually you are being most helpful! Thank for taking the time to guide me through the steps.

Mike G.

Intel Core i7-4770K, ASUS MAXIMUS VI HERO Motherboard, , 8GB Memory , EVGA GeForce GTX 1070 6GB Video Card,Corsair Enthusiast 750W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply,Windows 7 64bit, Corsair Hydro Series H55 CPU Cooler

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I am lost. I have Microsoft Word Starter 2010 I believe and can't find the Web Layout Tab. Been using help still looking.

Mike G.

Intel Core i7-4770K, ASUS MAXIMUS VI HERO Motherboard, , 8GB Memory , EVGA GeForce GTX 1070 6GB Video Card,Corsair Enthusiast 750W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply,Windows 7 64bit, Corsair Hydro Series H55 CPU Cooler

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I'm using Word 2003 from an old Student and Teacher version I picked up in a thrift store so I can't be of too much help just yet.

I have Win 10 on a netbook that I though included some version of Word but can't seem to find it. I'll keep checking for something that might work for you. I think it's likely that the version you have contains something that will work for you but am not sure. I seem to recall using Open Office for creating the files also but I don't have it installed now. It appears that MS would like all their programs to be online so people will pay a recurring fee to use them.

Jim F.

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I have Libre on my other computer and it has the Web view. Now all I have to do is figure out how to narrow the page and save it.

Mike G.

Intel Core i7-4770K, ASUS MAXIMUS VI HERO Motherboard, , 8GB Memory , EVGA GeForce GTX 1070 6GB Video Card,Corsair Enthusiast 750W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply,Windows 7 64bit, Corsair Hydro Series H55 CPU Cooler

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