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Problems with my new pc


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I bought new gaming pc, here the spec:

I7 6700k

GTX 1080 gigabyte

Corsair h115i

16gb ram

Gigabyte z170m

SSD Samsung 850 Pro 256GB


Before I installed all sceneries and addons I had about 95-110 FPS.

I installed about 150-180 sceneries (most of them of aerosoft,FSDT,flytampa and taxi2gate) but I disabled all of them and enable it when I fly between 2 airports.

After I installed FTX products:

FTX global base

FTX vector

OpenLC Europe + NA

FTX trees

FTX Germany + england


And of course PMDG and REX 4 and AS 16.

I tried to config my simulator settings and tuning Guide of Rob ainscough website.

I set all the setting like him in the sim, in FTX vector, in REX and in AS16.

I don't know what to do I have very low loading textures and when I start the sim all textures is black and it takes few time to load.. and I get in PMDG NGX about 17-23 FPS in FSDT's scenery (klax for example)

And it is unable to fly like this.. and I have really monster computer.. what can be the reason?

Thank you so much

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I bought new gaming pc, here the spec:

I7 6700k

GTX 1080 gigabyte

Corsair h115i

16gb ram

Gigabyte z170m

SSD Samsung 850 Pro 256GB


Before I installed all sceneries and addons I had about 95-110 FPS.

I installed about 150-180 sceneries (most of them of aerosoft,FSDT,flytampa and taxi2gate) but I disabled all of them and enable it when I fly between 2 airports.

After I installed FTX products:

FTX global base

FTX vector

OpenLC Europe + NA

FTX trees

FTX Germany + england


And of course PMDG and REX 4 and AS 16.

I tried to config my simulator settings and tuning Guide of Rob ainscough website.

I set all the setting like him in the sim, in FTX vector, in REX and in AS16.

I don't know what to do I have very low loading textures and when I start the sim all textures is black and it takes few time to load.. and I get in PMDG NGX about 17-23 FPS in FSDT's scenery (klax for example)

And it is unable to fly like this.. and I have really monster computer.. what can be the reason?

Thank you so much


There aren't 150 addon sceneries that are P3D compatible. Did you install FSX sceneries or update and refresh the installers?

P3D is NOT FSX and you should NOT install any scenery without first checking its compatible. As you can't possibly fly out of 150 addon airports, much less 180, I'd start by removing ALL addon scenery, check for updated and compliant installers, then add only one at a time, checking in-sim as you go.


With that lot I'd guess your bloated P3D install is pushing the limits of the SD and is BOUND to slow down as the SSD gets full. Anything more than about 60% full and the SSD access slows - although it's still faster than a HDD.

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