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Track IR Is it worth it?

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Hi guys, Just like the title says. Is it wort the money to own the Track IR system.


I love bush planes, i love specially the A2A Cub. I could use this set up to help taxiing and doing quick circuits touch and go. I love my new computer,. It has a frame rate that is smooth. I don't know how fast, but everything is moving quickly with no lagging that my old eyes can see.


While on this frame per subject. Does anyone know if this extra function on my FSX and I5 Processor will slow down my PC frames?


Once again Thanks a lot guys.



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Do not worry, it will not affect your frame rate. I'm using TIR 5 for years now and I could not fly without it. Mostly fly amphibians(Carenado 185 & 206) It become so natural to use.

I really think that, it's the best hardware add-on we can get.


i7 4790K(16g) on Z97X(G5)/GTX970 OC/Win7 Ultimate on SamsungPro SSD 240/

FSX Gold+accel on SamsungPro SSD 120/Saitek yoke/rudder/radio/multi/switch/

Track IR 5/Asus VK278Q(28")/GMap on SamsungTab... and very happy with that !

i7-4790K @4400 on Gigabyte Z97X (16gb), GeForce GTX 970 OC, Corsair Spec case

Win7 Ult(64) on Samsung850 SSD(256), FSX+Accell on Samsung850 SSD(256), Track IR5

Saitek yoke/rudder radio/multi/switch panels, Logitech G13, GMap on Samsung tab

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I have also used it for a few years and highly recommend it. A tip for anyone who doesn't like the cap you have to wear with those reflectors.

If you wear specs for your PC you can make a simple push-on mod to hold just the reflector mounting. Even if you don't you could remove the lenses from cheap reader specs and also do this:

First cut off the metal strip complete with reflectors. Then overlap and fix and then cut 2 lengths of cable tie (I used 5mm wide) so that you have a 195mm long piece that traps the longitudonal part of the reflector joiner in the middle and at 90 degrees just before where it bends up to the rear reflector. I drilled and screwed small plastic screws either side of the metal so it is trapped in there.

So now you have the front pair of reflectors and a cable-tie crossbeam about 55mm aft of them, then the bend and the top reflector.

Now all you have to do is add a tie to each spectacle leg at the front, tighten and cut off all but 10mm & leave sticking up.

Now if you find a couple of 25mm lengths of tube (like windscreen washer tube) you can slot these over the spec- stubs and slot the reflector assembly onto them when needed.

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