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"Wheel height" problem with static aircraft made from CamSim Boeing 787


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The Cam Sim Boeing 787 is potentially an excellent one from which to make a static model to enhance one's airport, because it has a fabulous animated ground service equipment that deploys at the stroke of a key.


Unfortunately, in the resulting static model, not all wheels sit at the same height. Most of the ground service equipment is fine, except for the baggage trolleys, which sit a fraction lower. That is tolerable. But, the wheels of the (now static) aircraft are a good metre above this, and that really isn't. On the attached pic, where the wheels should touch the ground is indicated by the red line.


Is there anything that can be done about this? With a flyable aircraft perhaps one could manipulate contact points, but with the static one???

Dreamliner Wheel Issue.jpg

Steve from Murwilllumbah.
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When placing the object, edit the elevation and the pitch values until all wheels are on the ground.


If the wheels are in the wrong positions, during the conversion to a static aircraft you need to fix those parts at a different keyframe value, when they are more extended.

Tom Gibson


CalClassic Propliner Page: http://www.calclassic.com

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When placing the object, edit the elevation and the pitch values until all wheels are on the ground.


If the wheels are in the wrong positions, during the conversion to a static aircraft you need to fix those parts at a different keyframe value, when they are more extended.


Thanx for that Tom, but I have already done that. I adjusted the elevation and pitch to put the lowest wheels on the ground. That happens to be the service equipment. That leaves the aircraft wheels in the air.


I fixed the wheels at the bottom of their travel. They won't go any lower !


Edit: Inspired by your post, I had a second look. Hah! The wheels do hit a lower point half way through their travel. And it looks like it's low enough. So thanx for your inspiration.

Wheels OK.jpg

Steve from Murwilllumbah.
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