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United 9915 KIAD-KMDT


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Quick hope from Washington Dulles to Harrisburg


Aircraft: POSKY ERJ-145XR

Scenery: KMDT Freeware downloaded from File Library, ORBX, FSPASSENGERS, ACTIVE SKY

Route: CPTAL9 MRB V501 HGR V377 HAR

First Picture: On final RW13 (Although KMDT was landing RW31, VATSIM vectored me for RW13)

Second Picture: At gate, deboarding

final.jpgAT GATE.jpg

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Hey Brian,


We all start in the same place. Thanks so much for posting!


Having said that, I must agree with Darren, the shots are too dark. Also, IMHO it would be more effective should you take all the page and options info out before you shoot.


Please don't consider this as simply criticism! God knows since I only flew RW planes & didn't take pictures, I have several screenshot issues myself. Consider it constructive criticism! We all look forward to your next post!! :cool:


Thanks Again,


Michael :pilot:

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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