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Is there an Essex class carrier for fs9?


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I wonder if there is an Essex class carrier --straight and\or angled deck--for fs9.


We have plenty of Nimitz and similar-class carriers, but I could not find a CV-9 Essex, or any other same-class carriers.


Any help will be appreciated.



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I found exactly what I wanted :uss_lex.zip by Bruce Baker.

What mrzippy suggested will not do--it is a pilotable ship. I wanted a carrier I could launch from and trap on using naval aircraft.


I have already trapped and launched on this carrier with a TBF Avenger, using rcbco-20.zip.

With that, you must add a catapult gauge and a tailhook gauge on the 2D panel and you can launch and trap anywhere---even on land runways.This method does away with the need for arrcab, 3-Wire, etc... Will post some screenshots here soon.

The carrier is CV-16 USS LEXNGTON, Essex-class, angled deck. And I suppose one can repaint it as CV-9 USS Essex, and even place it at a different location.




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