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Elevator Gets Stuck


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Every couple of days, when I fly, the Elevator just won't go beyond a certain deflection angle. Literally, the yoke/stick will move only up or down to a certain place, and no further.

That certain place isn't fixed, and it doesn't happen all the time (only occasionally), and surprisingly enough, it's not specific to any certain plane, but it's still a pain in the something to have the elevator refuse to go up beyond a certain angle, forcing me to land using the Stab Trim.


I'm using FSX Steam Version, with FSUIPC 4.939 installed.


Does anyone know a solution?


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I'm using the keyboard.


Let me clarify myself:

In the simulator itself, the stick/yoke simply won't go beyond a certain position sometimes. The yoke is moving great, but as if it's more limited.


Literally, in the FCTL page in the ECAMS of Tom A330 and the Posky A320, when it happens, the arrow showing the elevator position gets stuck too.


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This can also be caused by the autopilot altitude hold being on while you are trying to fly manually.


Can also be caused by the plane pitch trim not set properly while flying manually.


Can also be caused by near stall condition.




If nothing we've said has helped you so far, we need to know the plane you are flying, and the flight condition the plane is in when you lose control (speed, weight, altitude, pitch, engine setting.)



2 carrot salad, 10.41 liter bucket, electric doorbell, 17 inch fan, 12X14, 85 Dbm
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This can also be caused by the autopilot altitude hold being on while you are trying to fly manually. Not trying to be to a geometry tutor or anything but it's true.


Can also be caused by the plane pitch trim not set properly while flying manually.


Can also be caused by near stall condition.




If nothing we've said has helped you so far, we need to know the plane you are flying, and the flight condition the plane is in when you lose control (speed, weight, altitude, pitch, engine setting.)




Yeah please share the type of plane and related stats. That will help us drill down. If you do come up with a solution on your own, kindly share. Thx!

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It's not loss of control..


I'm not stupid, and I know how to trim a plane, and how to keep it at a safe airspeed..


I'm saying that literally, the yoke in the Sim itself simply won't go any further beyond a certain point. It's when the Autopilot is off.


That limit isn't fixed, and it happened to me lately with the Tom A330, and the Project Airbus A320.

It's happened in the past with a couple more planes, but those are the ones I can name for sure.


Again, it's not trim or airspeed related. It's not a failure of the Flight Surfaces.




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Every plane has control surface limitations. Unless someone else flies these planes with a keyboard and discovers the same defect, it's going to be hard to solve yours.


There certainly is no defect concerning elevator in the FSX code. If there was, everyone would have this problem. There is something unique to you, or OS, FS config, plane mods, or the planes themselves possibly as a result of of their modelers not testing keyboard controls.


Take a look at your keyboard controls in the simulation UI and see if there is anything odd there.


It's likely that unless someone else here finds a defect in these particular planes, only you will be able to find the problem. Most likely by systematically undoing any changes you've made to the simulation just prior to the problem appearing.


Note: If there are any planes which do NOT have this problem (the default Microsoft planes which come installed with the simulation) then this points to the planes themselves, not the core simulation.


Also, every aircraft has it's own flight specifications and we can only assume from your insistence you are flying the troubled planes to spec.



2 carrot salad, 10.41 liter bucket, electric doorbell, 17 inch fan, 12X14, 85 Dbm
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I don't know if it's gonna help, but I do use VAInterface.


It's an app allowing you to use the phone as a yoke, over WiFi, but because lately it's had a huge latency, so the DLL does run on Sim startup, but I don't use my phone anymore.


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Temporarily disable the DLL to see what happens.


There are probably several ways of doing it with FSX not running:

1) dll.xml in appdata Set the disable tag to True (if that's where it's located.)

2) Rename the dll from whateveritis.dll to whateveritis.dll.disable

3) Uninstall the app (you can always re-install it.)


As you suspect, it's probably trying to over-ride your controls.



2 carrot salad, 10.41 liter bucket, electric doorbell, 17 inch fan, 12X14, 85 Dbm
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I have FSUIPC because it's required by some add-ons.. I don't use any joystick, so I haven't really touched FSUIPC settings, but I'll give it a shot.


About disabling the DLL - it's going to be hard to determine whether it helped or not.. The Elevator getting stuck thing happens only occasionally, so it's not anything that I can check immediately, but I'll try it.

Thanks :)


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