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Looking for the most basic non-aircraft add ons


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Hello, been playing for about a week. I had been playing DTG Flight school before I decided to get FSX steam edition. I'm looking for some direction as far as basic scenery, weather, textures etc. Just some basic overall improvements to start out with.I have a 4690k CPU with a 970GTX and 8 gb RAM. I figured this would be a good place to ask since the the forums seem very active. Sorry if this has been asked a million times, but If anyone could get me started in the right direction I would much appreciate it. Thank You!
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Well i guess what I'm asking is what would you do if you were new starting out. What are the first essential things you would buy?


Me, personally?? Nada! Everything I've wanted I have as freeware. It's dependent on how you want to fly and what you want to see. Are you going to be cruising at FLT380 and looking for vast horizons loaded with great looking mountains and land areas? Will you be flying low and slow and want everything to look like you are really there?


I highly recommend ORBX products for GA (General Aviation) type flying. For tubeliner flying I don't think much beats Photo-Realistic BlueSky Scenery. I'll post some links.


https://www.fullterrain.com/ for ORBX products.


http://www.blueskyscenery.com/ for freeware photreal scenery.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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At the top of every page is a link to the "File Library" of flightsim. Thousands of freeware addons available.


If you use the "Advanced Search" option there you can easily find anything you want.


Some things also offered on outside sites. FSrealWx, a freeware real weather program for example.


But do put some more time into fsx as well. To really see the effect of addons you sort of have to know what default fsx looks like.

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The first purchase should be Ultimate Terrain for whichever area you want to fly in; Alaska-Canada, US, or Europe. There are now other products but UT was the first, and it changed FS9 and then FSX into scenery that matched a flight chart. Rivers, lakes, and the coastline were suddenly where they should be and the right shape. FS stopped being a game and became a flight simulator.
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Terrain Mesh for the world: FreemeshX. Mostly 38m. Love it. Recommend it.



Hooked since FS4... now flying:

self-built i7-4790 at 4 GHz; GA-Z97X mobo; GTX 970; 16GB gskill;

quiet, fast and cool running.

Win 7/64: 840 EVO OS; 840 EVO (500G) game drive;

Win10/64: 850 EVO (500G) for OS and games

A few Flightsim videos on YouTube at CanyonCorners

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Yes, there are so many addons... where to start? I think when I started it was "can I find my house" was the premise to my first addons. It takes time to get your bearings on just how all the "non-aircraft" addons work. My suggestion is gooooo sloooow. I read many posts where simmers pile up the addons immediately only to "bloat" their system into single digit FPS, stutters and VAS explosions! No wonder they get frustrated posting issue after issue. So unless you are just a tweaker by nature and not a flyer then by all means buy-buy-buy, load-load-load, ha!


I prefer the photoreal route over tile based scenery as a base ( ah, what are those?), and there are plenty of great-good-bad scenery in that category. I would suggest whatever road you take enjoy the ride. Don't expect to just load up everything everyone suggest and "whola" it's done and running perfect. It's a journey but that's what keeps this hobby so interesting.... evolving/changing/improving. See what freeware or trialware you can use to see if it works good and looks good with your system before grabbing stuff blindly.


Other than that happy flying,



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If you want to see your house get some scenery that says "Photoreal" on the box, but your house will be flat 2D so stay above about 1000 feet to maintain the illusion of 3D..:)


Wait a minute.....where's my chip shop?? I gotta see my chip shot! Opps, that's gotta be at the local golf course.:p

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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Thanks for all the suggestions so far, very helpful. Glad I came here to ask for help.


Yes the experts here know everything, I didn't know where babies came from before I joined this forum to ask.

When I got FSX years ago the first thing I did was to go on a "freeware (repeat freeware) aircraft downloading spree" and have built up a collection of dozens over the years, because it's always made sense to me to try out free stuff first before splashing out on payware.

Hey Mr Spock is that a logical approach, are you listening?

"Affirmative, I'm all ears"

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Wait a minute.....where's my chip shop?? I gotta see my chip shot! Opps, that's gotta be at the local golf course.:p


Yes, we can see everything on Photoreal, including places we've lived in the past; I fly over one of my old neighbourhoods with nostalgia in FSX, gazing down at the back gardens where my school pals used to indulge in the craze of "garden-hopping" after midnight stealing ladies underwear from clotheslines, ah happy memories..:)

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IMHO, rather go the freeware route first, so you can find something that will interest you, then go buy, if you really want to. Remember, always support the freeware guys, they are the backbone of our hobby. Milton 7 friends, et al..


My essential first buy would be Fsuipc. That, in my humble opinion, is the most important add-on for any sim.


Cheers, & happy hunting!



Cape Town, South Africa

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+1 on the FSUIPC.

An essential for any one that wants to start adding "things" to MSFS. Most everything uses it in some way or another. Whether the freeware or the Pay version, either is a great thing to add.

Just my opinion, though, and we all know about those :)



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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