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No inland water to be found


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I just did the download and looked through all parts of it and it looks fine so far! Nothing there to kill any inland water. Now being Mr. Cautious, I did not let the installer put it into FSX , but instead, into a new folder on my desktop. Is this inland water that's missing where you did your test flight?

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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Sorry I did not get back with you, Had a hurricane Hermine come over the house at 2:00 AM just got power and internet back. My test flight was Brunswick North Carolina. I e-mail Anthony and here is what he had to say

Hello Dan


I'm sorry but it has highly unlikely the Drifter could possibly have caused the loss of water. It makes absolutely no changes to any of the default flight sim files. This could just be an unfortunate coincidence if you installing the Drifter and simulatenously getting the water problem. I can suggest that you search online for a solution the loss of water. Is the water on the coastlines and seas OK? Is it just the inland like lakes? What happens at a river mouth going into the sea?


yours sincerely

Anthony Lynch

Ant's Airplanes


I have looked over Rex and I see nothing there. I will keep looking


As a P-51 pilot said :pilot: "She Climbs Like A Home Sick Angel":pilot:
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