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FIREWALL ALERT: please make sure rexwxengine2.exe has in/out bound access


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FIREWALL ALERT: please make sure rexwxengine2.exe has in/out bound access ?


Haven't used my REX 2009 in awhile but never had thi. What causes it and how do I fix it? Good old REX.

Mike G.

Intel Core i7-4770K, ASUS MAXIMUS VI HERO Motherboard, , 8GB Memory , EVGA GeForce GTX 1070 6GB Video Card,Corsair Enthusiast 750W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply,Windows 7 64bit, Corsair Hydro Series H55 CPU Cooler

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Anyone know anything about

FIREWALL ALERT: please make sure rexwxengine2.exe has in/out bound access ?


Haven't used my REX 2009 in awhile but never had thi. What causes it and how do I fix it? Good old REX.


From what I read using Google search, most have fixed the problem by uninstalling REX and then reinstalling.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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Uninstall, reinstall did the trick! Thanks, still wonder what caused it

Mike G.

Intel Core i7-4770K, ASUS MAXIMUS VI HERO Motherboard, , 8GB Memory , EVGA GeForce GTX 1070 6GB Video Card,Corsair Enthusiast 750W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply,Windows 7 64bit, Corsair Hydro Series H55 CPU Cooler

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If you updated either program (REX or firewall) it's possible the firewall no longer recognized REX' permissions.


I've been using Panda AV recently and every time it updates the main program (about once a month) my firewall quacks about "binaries have changed" and I must again tell it to allow Panda access.

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  • 7 months later...

Resurrecting this sorry, I just re-installed Rex after using Active Sky 6, I keep getting the Firewall Alert, I gave it the permissions but it still pops up.

I disabled it and then Rex loaded the weather, I got the map on the screen then after a few minutes I got the message can't log on to the internet, then after a minute or two it came back on.

I'll try the re-installing and see if that works.

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