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Would FSX:SE help with this error, and other Q's?

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I have the boxed edition of FSX but I'm thinking about using the "Steam Edition." Would the FSX:SE help or eliminate the situation where (just my luck,) I've been flying for 3 hours, finished my descent, at altitude to arrive at the destination, which 10 minutes away...


So for some reason, or other, I'd be clicking between either Plan-G, Firefox, and FSX, changing freq's and whatever to that end might be required. i.e. it adds up to a lot of clicks. So, 10 minutes out, after flying for X hours, and the app crashes.


What do you want to do? Restart the program, or wait for the program to respond, or search the web for the solution. Sometimes I'll just sit there, waiting and waiting; other times, I'll restart the program.


So close and yet so far! (when you have to restart the pgm.)


That's why I'm still flying FS9. But there is Flight Planner I want that only formats flight plans in FSX. (EFB)





Do you pay a rental fee every month for FSX:SE? or is it a one time purchase and your done? I'm not clear on how FSX:SE fee structure works..




If you cancel in the future, what money - if any - would you get back from Steam?



Thanks in advance,



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FSX:SE is not a subscription service, buy it once and it is yours forever, or until Steam closes down (not gonna happen anytime soon).


As for the crash, it depends on what is causing the crash.



the Bean

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


Never argue with idiots.

They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

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Hi there!


I use FSX:SE, I bought that as I had read at the time I was looking for a sim that it has a few tweaks so it is smoother than FSX boxed (don't quote me, that's why I bought it at the time, along with already being on steam).


Steam do have quite a good refund policy I believe, not that I've ever tried to use it, but I may have to, which relates to my next point.


There are a lot of DLC airports, tools and aircraft available, with FSDG being a big contributor. I have both their Heraklion and Thessaloniki, purchased on sale for 1/4 of the FSDG price. Thessaloniki is great, crisp scenery and 30+ FPS landing on runway 16, 1000 feet above the most dense, detailed autogen ever, but Heraklion from steam is a God awful mess, 5-10 FPS, the mesh is distorted and when your aircraft goes on the runway, the texture surrounding it goes blurry, and the aircraft melts into the runway as if it were quick sand. Done so many reinstalls of the addon and the issue persists.


Another reason to avoid the DLC and buy direct is because it is only FSX:SE compatible, so if, like me, you may want to move to P3D soon, you'll have £50-£70 worth of DLC to rebuy, like active sky, airports etc. But there are often slash price steam sales so you can pick the game up for £5 and airports which are £25 from the developer for about £10... if you plan on sticking with steam then the DLC is an excellent option.


Also, check what scenery and a/c addons you may already own, as some aren't FSX:SE compatible, for the most part this is older scenery addons which is a great shame as they include places like Maderia, Innsbruck and Gibraltar. I want, but can't have :(


The DLC is also self installing, as is the base game, so no faffing with key codes or addon managers etc. They are all there in the steam cloud so there is no chance of losing it, so there are advantages. Pressing "F12" in game takes screenshots which can be uploaded to the cloud for other players to look at, like and comment on.


All in all, I do enjoy FSX:SE, even if nothing about mine is default (even deleted all the default a/c ;) ) so I'd recommend it, but do check your existing addons

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To me, the biggest advantage of FSX-SE, is if you've always been on the fringes hardware wise for operating FSX suitably. SE will run decently on most modern off the shelf computers. No super duper video cards or overclocking required.
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As far my research indicates, from both then and now, the source of all my ills was the absence of the UIAutomationCore.dll being placed in the root FSX folder. If memory serves me correctly, that action alone didn't resolve my issue.


Then I typed in my preferred search engine, (I hope I don't offend anyone,) "Jesus FSX Tweaks." And that helped. Just as a sidebar, I think he took his site offline. Such a shame, too.


At any rate, given the symptoms - that I'd described in my first post - I've operated under the presumption that this error had something to do with the absence UIAutomationCore.dll.


Ultimately, I don't want to make an investment in FSX:SE or addons, if this behavior is going to continue in the future.


So, does anyone know if DTG has addressed this issue in FSX:SE?


Would it be advisable to fly in FSX (boxed) for a couple of hours and see what happens?


Thanks in advance,



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What you describe sounds an awful lot like an OOM problem (out of memory). If it is, then FSX:SE might help, but it probably will not (unless you leave out some addons or lower some settings - but you could do that with FSX boxed too).


So, first you should find out what exactly is going wrong, before deciding on another sim of the same family.


Btw. the payware version of FSUIPC has an autosave function, that will take snapshots of your current flight at regular intervals. I let it take one every 10 minutes, so I can recover at least to that point if a crash happens. Mostly anyway, some complex addon aircraft make that difficult too.

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.......... it adds up to a lot of clicks. So, 10 minutes out, after flying for X hours, and the app crashes............


To answer you Q posed in the subject field - in short Yes, FSX-SE would help with the error.


This is because the cause of your problem is related to the actions stated in the quote, excessive mouse clicking in the menus (BTW it can happen in very short flights)........its a well known issue that is easily resolved (for most users) by the inclusion of a file called uiautomationcore.;dll in the root directory of FSX (C:\FSX for example)- this file is already included as standard in FSX-SE.


There are two versions of the uiautomationcore file - details below. Install one, test and if the problem still exist try the other.


uiautomationcore.dll version 6.0.6001.18000




uiautomationcore.dll version 6.0.5840.16386




NOTE - There will be other versions of the uiautomationcore.dll file on your system - leave them alone. Only place a copy of one of the listed file into the root directory of FSX and nowhere else.





If you have tried the uiautomationcore.dll route once but it didn't resolve the issue it could be that you had the 'wrong' version so test with both. It doesn't need to be long flights as making short ones with plenty of menu clicking will be enough to replicate the problem. You could also try and fly a basic flight without using Plan-G and no menu clicking to see what happens




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What you describe sounds an awful lot like an OOM problem (out of memory). If it is, then FSX:SE might help, but it probably will not (unless you leave out some addons or lower some settings - but you could do that with FSX boxed too).


So, first you should find out what exactly is going wrong, before deciding on another sim of the same family.


Btw. the payware version of FSUIPC has an autosave function, that will take snapshots of your current flight at regular intervals. I let it take one every 10 minutes, so I can recover at least to that point if a crash happens. Mostly anyway, some complex addon aircraft make that difficult too.


So as not to presume anything, and then arrive at an incorrect conclusion: :o I ask the following question...


What's considered an "addon"





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So as not to presume anything, and then arrive at an incorrect conclusion: :o I ask the following question...


What's considered an "addon"






An addon is "Anything" that did not originally come on the FSX discs or in the FSX-SE download.


These would include downloaded and installed airports, aircraft, scenery, also programs that run outside of FSX like FSUIPC, AISmooth, 3rd party ATC programs, 3rd party weather programs, etc.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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What you describe sounds an awful lot like an OOM problem (out of memory). If it is, then FSX:SE might help, but it probably will not (unless you leave out some addons or lower some settings - but you could do that with FSX boxed too).


So, first you should find out what exactly is going wrong, before deciding on another sim of the same family.


Btw. the payware version of FSUIPC has an autosave function, that will take snapshots of your current flight at regular intervals. I let it take one every 10 minutes, so I can recover at least to that point if a crash happens. Mostly anyway, some complex addon aircraft make that difficult too.


Thanks, I look into it, and try to find out what's going on...



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Thanks, I look into it, and try to find out what's going on...




If it isn't the uiautomationcore problem, then try lowering your Autogen and Scenery Complexity sliders for your next flight. Do you get any error message window when the sim crashes? Or an entry in the Windows Event log?

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Well, after flying around this morning, nothing really happened. But I should mention, my test conditions:


DX10 Scenery Fixer - Running minimized. I never really touched any of the programs settings...whether that's good or bad, I dunno.


Flew the A2A 172 around for I'd say 20 mins. I flew that because i figured it was a more complicated aircraft.


FireFox was running in the background.


Did not run Plan-G. I like to use it as a geographical reference, as that reference point relates, to my position. So, for 99% of the time I was absolutely lost, taking off from a strange area, in which I had never been before. Then, in the last 5 minutes of the flight, I thought to use the default MS GPS that they included in the 172.


Also, I didn't do much clicking, as I would normally do, just a couple of clicks on the GPS, but no "inter program" or clicking between programs to access my aeronautical info, things like that. There was very, very little of that -- clicking, I mean.


So the only thing that was unusual, was what they call "texture popping," even with the DX10 Scenery Fixer running in the background.


I did upgrade my my unregistered version of FSUIPC, to 4.955



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Just a side note: Steve's DX10 fixer does not have to be running all the time - it is a "set once then forget it" program. It doesn't do anything "live". You only bring it up once every time when you have installed new scenery or aircraft, so it can browse through their effects files, the fsx.cfg and the shaders to apply the DX10 fixes. These fixes are permanent, and you only have to run the fixer again if something changes.


If you have additional software running on the same machine that needs to access the HDD a lot (like a web browser, antivirus etc.) they will fight for disk access, which will in turn slow down your texture and terrain loading in the sim. This will even happen if you have two separate disks, unless you are using separate HDD controllers too (but it is much less noticable in this configuration). And they will need a few CPU cycles too, which degrades smoothness and performance even further. This might not be noticable on a standard/normal simulator setup, but the more extensive it gets, the more power it requires, the more it will become a nuisance. At least that was my experience, so I ended up separating the disks, buying SSDs and separate SATA controllers and installing a RAM drive too. Then I moved scenery classes (mesh, photoreal, airports) to dedicated disks, so that there was less resource fighting. And I prefer to run any additional software on a tablet and/or a netbook (both, most of the time) on the side, like an EFB. On top of that I make sure that only the scenery and aircraft are active in the sim, that I absolutely need for a particular flight (using SimStarter and a few other tools)

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Apologies for the late reply.


My setup is one HD divided into 3 partitions, which as done by the OEM. One of those partitions is "C:/" where the OS is installed, along with all of my installed programs, which would include FS9 and FSX. Only one can be running at one time. I have FS9 because of my addons from Historic Jetliners Group, (HJG) and Posky, both of which are freeware.


Now that you mention it, I have had not only my AV running, but my browser, and there were times when I was streaming music - probably running FS9 -I say that only because, I don't run FSX that often because of getting errors like this one like I got today...


Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

Application Name: fsx.exe

Application Version: 10.0.61472.0

Application Timestamp: 475e17d3

Fault Module Name: FSRecorder_FSX.dll

Fault Module Version:

Fault Module Timestamp: 4fb8ab92

Exception Code: c0000005

Exception Offset: 0003c7c6

OS Version: 6.1.7601.

Locale ID: 1033


Additional information about the problem:

LCID: 1033


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I don't understand this error. As far as I can tell, it's saying, that the FSRecorder_FSX.dll was the cause of the crash. But, FSRecorder wasn't even recording the flight at that point.Please correct me, if I'm wrong.


I got that error from excessive clicking. I had Plan G up and running, along with my browser, and AV, and I think YT video was playing, you may have heard of him, "Frooglesim"


As I understand your approach, you put FSX on an SSD and everything else, stuff like REX ORBX so on and so forth, on a netbook, along with your charts.


I have a SATA2 connection; to my HDD, whether that's compatible with an SSD, I don't know. I'd have to look and see If I have any extra ports on the mobo. It's been a while. Circa 2010 build by HP.



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If I remember correctly you are using FSX:SE and I believe there are problems with FSRecorder and FSX:SE.


I believe there is a workaround, until you find it you can disable FSRecorder by changing it's entry in the DLL.xml.


Find the pertinent entry and change...








FSX writes all .DLL files to memory (unless they are disabled as above) whether you are using them or not, sort of a pre-load.


While SSDs are backwards compatible with SATA2 you are not seeing their benefit due to SATA2 data transfer speed limits.



the Bean

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


Never argue with idiots.

They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

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If I remember correctly you are using FSX:SE and I believe there are problems with FSRecorder and FSX:SE.


Apologies, I'm still on the fence; trying to figure out what ails this version of FSX, before making the leap.


My other question is, in light of the error that popped up, what can I do, a) to prevent FSRecorder from loading into memory, and b) if that's not possible, is there an alternate program I can use to record my takeoff's and landings?


Thanks in advance,



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If you have a NVidia graphics card the try http://www.geforce.com/geforce-experience/shadowplay


It's free!


It looks good - it's free - but, you need a) an Nvidia VC,. which I have, and b) one that is GTX series. As far as I can tell, the program will accept the 600 series or higher.


I for better or for worse, have the GT440 with 3071MB which cost me a fortune, back in the day.2010/11


From the vids I've seen Fraps is good but locks down your frame rate, not that I'm not capping them now, I am - at 30 fps. DXtory is getting good reviews, considering the few videos I've seen that have covered DXtory.


I did look in "msconfig" to see which programs were loading on startup; FSRecorder, wasn't even listed.


Anyway, thoughts and comments welcome.



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