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Black vehicles


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After some issues with traffic addons, i now have WOAI working OK, in P3Dv3.

Still one embarrassing issue are the black vehicles and buildings

At all airports my plane and others, start completely black, and after some seconds the colors become OK.

For other planes it takes sometimes 10 to 30 seconds to colorize, once done, everything stays OK in this viewing angle, details buildings, everything nice... but when changing outer view in other direction, new objects are black again and colorize only after 20 seconds. OK, supposed to think about memory problem ? I dont think so because; when reducing all settings to normal; no change. PC memory problem ? I bought a high performance 2016 i7 with latest NVDIA980ti card, HSS drive, liquid cooled, etc; so i do not think this can be the problem.

Tried no shadows, X10 off not possible in P3D...


I did a benchmark videocard speed and memory test: the result is a superscore of 94%

Any help please ?

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