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RTW Retro Flight #R64 Cairo to Rome . . . . . . 1961


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United Arab Airways Flight 732 is a Vickers Viscount 732 on a 1,233 mile flight from Cairo, Egypt to Rome, Italy (HECA - LIRA). We have 1,850 gallons of fuel on board for this flight of about 5 hours and 7 minutes. The weather is fair with moderate cloud cover. We will be cruising at an altitude of 17,000 feet.


Thanks to:

Aircraft: Vickers Viscount 732. The model and original textures are by Rick Piper. The panel is by Fraser A. McKay and the 1961 United Arab Airways livery is by Andre Reimers.

Propliner AI & Traffic: CalClassic & FS Aviator - Tom Gibson, Mike Stevens, Jason Krogmann, Manuel Jagmann, Bill Towers, Nikko Yaginuma, Richard Wright, Frederick Coleman, Dave Jones, Paul Haak, Marty Lochmiller, Ake Lindberg, Harland Sandberg, Richard Wright and Gary Harper. www.calclassic.com

Scenery: FS2004 v9.1 Standard and:

- Cairo King Farouk 1st Airport is from the 1960 Africa Scenery Package by Wolfgang Gersch, Harry Biard, Jaap de Baare, Mike Stevens, Tom Gibson, Nikko Yaginuma and Johan Dees. www.calclassic.com

- Rome Ciampino Airport is by Wolfgang Gersch. www.calclassic.com

- Rwy12 and EZ Static Object and Scenery Libraries.

- FS2004 Classic Scenery Libraries V4 by Wolfgang Gersch.

- REX FS9 w/Overdrive enhancements for sky, cloud, weather, water/waves, runway, taxiway textures, sun and runway lighting.

- Flight One Ground Environment Pro II.

- HDE 2.0 grass texture enhancement by Pablo Diaz.


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Front and inside front page of UAA timetable and route map from 1961.


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Passengers loaded, engines started and we are taxiing out to Rwy. 5 for departure.


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Takeoff and retracting the gear.


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Flaps up at 1,600 feet with Cairo King Farouk Airport below.


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Climbing through 7,000 feet on course for Rome. Power Unit Deicers (PUDs) and fuel heaters turned on. Fuel trimmers adjusted.


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Cruising over Alexandria at 17,000 feet heading toward the Mediterranean Sea.


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About 250 miles from Alexandria we are approaching thickening clouds and experiencing some turbulence so we throttle back to 165 knots.


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We are into heavy rain and thunderstorm activity. (Only had to whack the print scrn key about 35 times to catch the lightening).


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Half an hour later the storm has greatly decreased in strength.


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Storm clouds are breaking up and the ride is much smoother. We throttle back up to 245 knots.


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A little over 400 miles from Alexandria we are now over northwestern Crete.


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We leave Crete behind on course for the southeastern coast of Greece.


More in the reply . . . . . . . . .


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About 650 miles into our flight we are passing near Kokkinogia, Greece with the Gulf of Laconia in the background.


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Near the small town of Koroni we are again crossing Greek soil. The Messenian Gulf is in the background.


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Leaving Greece behind we head out over the Ionian Sea. We are about 360 miles from southern Italy.


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We make landfall near the small town of Trebisacce, Italy about 270 miles from Rome.


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Naples and Naples Bay below and off to our left.


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Descending through 9,000 feet about 40 miles from Rome we turn toward the northwest. Fuel trimmed to 76% on initial descent.


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Down to about 4,500 feet we turn southeast toward Rome’s Ciampino Airport. PUDs and fuel heaters off.


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Lining up our approach to Rwy. 15 at Ciampino with gear and flaps deployed.


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A little over a half mile out at 125 knots.


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Taxiing to parking.


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Parked, passengers disembarked and all systems shut down. Thanks for flying United Arab Airways.


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You have three great comments already, Larry, I echo them all. You know I always enjoy your flights, not so much for the scenery or the plane, both are always fantastic. I enjoy them most because of the narrative... you make me feel as though I'm sitting in the passenger compartment looking out over a wing and enjoying a well planned, professionally operated flight. Well done, my friend!
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Every time I feel you've hit your peak you fool me and climb higher! That lightning strike was amazing! And a timetable too!!


Thanks so much!! :cool::cool::cool:



Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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Great plane, spectacular scenery can't get any better then these pics Larry. I echo everyone here too. I wish I was aboard your flight, but your narrating will do. Kenny




Like you I really enjoyed these shots. However I spent a seeming eternity aboard a Super Constellation on a trip to Hawaii once.


I'd much rather look at screen shots of these old birds including the R-4s than spend huge parts of my life inside them. :o

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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