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FSX Steam Edition Issues...

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:mad:I'll try not to rant. But FSX Steam edition is ticking me the &*#$ off. First, I tried to create a flight plan. When I got back into the game, it started making all kinds of crazy noises, then the sound shut off. Well, I logged out and came back in. Problem "solved".


Next, I noticed when I turned the battery of the Lear on, the engine wanted to start automatically. After a few moments of frustration, I logged out again, and came back in. Problem "solved".


Finally, I was able to get through the checklists, and started taxing. And taxing...and taxing...must have been taxing for about 45 minutes. And when I finally got to the runway, "my" voice requested ATC to cancel the IFR flightplan.


All told, it took me about 2-1/2 hours to get absolutely NO-WHERE!!!!:mad: BTW, while I was doing all that taxing, ATC kept warning other aircraft "Hold short, LearJet on the taxiway". Over, and over, and over, and over.....:mad:


My impression of FSX Steam edition: It has YET to show me ANYTHING!!!


And it certainly doesn't measure up to FS2004. I NEVER had these kinds of issues...NEVER!!:mad:


Which begs the question: Does FS2004 play nice with Windows 8.1? I still have my old, faithful DVD's...

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Launch Steam

From the Library section, right-click on the game and select Properties from the menu.

Select the Local files tab and click the Verify integrity of game cache... button.

Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes.


Something may have screwed around with your files.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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Hi Man,

I suspect that part of the problem is your unfamiliarity with FSX, not just the Steam version. As I said, part of the problem; FSX sometimes just does weird stuff. I think that one thing that you might find helpful is to assign a key to "Aircraft (reload)" in Controls. It seems that settings from the default flight are remembered and interfere with the new. In your case, the Lear trying to start inappropriately is what made me think of this.

Jim F.

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JandJfrench: As much as I hate to admit it, I AM unfamiliar with FSX. I went into this thinking that just because I'm a FS2004 veteran with a decade or more of experience, I'd master FSX "like that!" Well, even though the two simulators look the same, in some ways, they are very different. :eek:
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JSKorna: I purchased FSX Steam edition about 3 weeks ago. That was my first exposure, although I've flown FS2004 for years. However, I'm finding out the hard way that the two simulators are different in many ways.
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