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FSX crash, very interesting circumstance

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Faulting application name: fsx.exe, version: 10.0.62615.0, time stamp: 0x559f9a9a

Faulting module name: atiumdva.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x56b219a6

Exception code: 0xc0000005

Fault offset: 0x000351f9

Faulting process id: 0x3450

Faulting application start time: 0x01d1afece8f831a1

Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\fsx.exe

Faulting module path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\atiumdva.dll

Report Id: 2a0702a2-1be0-11e6-82a8-966f5ee7e593

Faulting package full name:

Faulting package-relative application ID:



AMD Radeon HD6670 w/ 15.301 drivers

Intel Core i3 550


Windows 8.1 64bit


That's the crash log for FSX Steam Edition. I am currently running AMD Crimson 16.21 Beta with the 15.301 Graphics Drivers (I've already tried doing a clean install and putting on the older 15.71 drivers but it refuses to install those drivers). The reason I say this is interesting is because I previously had this problem with games such as AC3, AC Revelations, and ArmA II but I decided to ignore it. One day, after loading on a new addon, it decided to stop working. I proceeded to do a complete clean reinstall but it still refuses, but now it tells me that this is the faulting module. I am honestly at wits end with this.... I love this game (I've been a simmer since I was 7 years old, FSX is really quite important to me, its my gateway to my dreams of becoming a pilot with the RCAF, doing a glider flight around Gimli is incredibly calming for me, losing FSX is a rather large deal) and I love this computer, its been going for 6 years and I used the new graphics card for 3 years with all games including FSX without issue. Now, it decides to crap out on me, in one of the most stressful times of my life.... brilliant how luck works. Anyways, I truly appreciate all answers, this site has been very helpful to me in the past and I honestly feel this is among the most welcoming communities I've been in, I trust you can help me. Cheers!


PS: I know it might be easy to say "Get an Nvidia card" but its out of the question for me. I'm only 13 years old so getting a job is very difficult (No small employers are really hiring, recession in Canada) and my parents just aren't willing to fork out $150 just so I can play pretend planes. I'd really prefer a solution which wouldn't cost me any money.

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First of all how in the heck do you have 5 Gb Ram? It should be 4/8/16/32 but not 5!!! And is sounds like you installed 2 different driver for you video card. That is a no-no. Use the Crimsom 'Minimal' ver 16.3.2. But back up files and wipe (format) your hard drive(s) if you have your Windows and FSX discs. That is the 'easy' and painless way.


Second of all you downloaded the wrong version of AMD Crimsom. It should be 16.3.2 for the Minimal (ie: Web Installer, which I used and works good - I just bought a XFX R7 360B 2Gb to go with my Win 7 Pro 64 bit install). I know..can you trust the 'web' installer? Yes you can. It was a leap of faith for me but there is nothing like modern PC installation methods. Not your DOS days type, that's for sure. It works. That's all I can say. How it does it makes no difference. Here 'Go With The Flow' (GWTW) applies.


The is (probably) Beta (?) and I would not touch that with a 100 ft pole. To un-install all the old drivers you can use Advanced Uninstaller Pro (free) so it can remove ALL the file including the registry entries. Be sure you restart your PC when you make ANY changes to either Windows or FSX. Good luck. Stay calm. It's NOT the end of the world (although it sure feels like it sometimes-hehe).

Chuck B


i7 2600K @ 3.4 Ghz (Turbo-Boost to 3.877 Ghz), Asus P8H67 Pro, Super Talent 8 Gb DDR3/1333 Dual Channel, XFX Radeon R7-360B 2Gb DDR5, Corsair 650 W PSU, Dell 23 in (2048x1152), Windows7 Pro 64 bit, MS Sidewinder Precision 2 Joy, Logitech K-360 wireless KB & Mouse, Targus PAUK10U USB Keypad for Throttle (F1 to F4)/Spoiler/Tailhook/Wing Fold/Pitch Trim/Parking Brake/Snap to 2D Panel/View Change. Installed on 250 Gb (D:). FS9 and FSX Acceleration (locked at 30 FPS).
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Jorgen this young maN IS 13yo, no job = no $$$


PS: I know it might be easy to say "Get an Nvidia card" but its out of the question for me. I'm only 13 years old so getting a job is very difficult (No small employers are really hiring, recession in Canada) and my parents just aren't willing to fork out $150 just so I can play pretend planes. I'd really prefer a solution which wouldn't cost me any money.

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HELLO! His problem is not whether he gets Nvidia or AMD card or/and IF either one will (not) work with the ACTUAL problem he has now. Two different video drivers...5 gb of ram...wrong video driver version...etc. So shut up about Nvidia - it's not RELEVANT.

Chuck B


i7 2600K @ 3.4 Ghz (Turbo-Boost to 3.877 Ghz), Asus P8H67 Pro, Super Talent 8 Gb DDR3/1333 Dual Channel, XFX Radeon R7-360B 2Gb DDR5, Corsair 650 W PSU, Dell 23 in (2048x1152), Windows7 Pro 64 bit, MS Sidewinder Precision 2 Joy, Logitech K-360 wireless KB & Mouse, Targus PAUK10U USB Keypad for Throttle (F1 to F4)/Spoiler/Tailhook/Wing Fold/Pitch Trim/Parking Brake/Snap to 2D Panel/View Change. Installed on 250 Gb (D:). FS9 and FSX Acceleration (locked at 30 FPS).
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