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FS9 to FSX


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I got such a great response to my previous post "How to move pilots seat up and down in FSX Cockpit view" that I am tempted to ask few (perhaps too many) additional questions prior to buying a new PC and switching to FSX. For info: Have FS9 35GB with hundreds of add-on scenery airports and probably more than thousand aircraft (fly only 3, rest is AI traffic mainly from WOAI). Also I am proficient in using TTools (got own aircraft scheduled) ,ADE and S Builder.


1. There seem to be issues using FS9 in Windows 10. Are there any issues using FSX in Windows 10?

2. I have accumulated many GBs of add-on scenery in FS9 and created own approaches in ADE. Can I somehow convert it all to FSX?

3. Same for aircraft, have hundreds of WOAI packages showing real traffic virtually everywhere. Can I move it somehow to FSX?

4. I use traffic Tool Board in FS9 to see the AI flights from departure to arrival. I would not like to loose this feature in FSX? Sometimes I am lazy to fly and just like to watch the traffic.

5. Got Altitude Call installed on the aircraft I fly, do FSX aircraft have this feature or does it need to be installed?

6. Got plenty of effects such as engine smoke, also TR sound, do I loose it in FSX or does it need to be installed?

7. Got accelerated Voice Pack, can I have one in FSX?

8. Got FSUIPC interface to see aircraft position when I use ADE or S Builder, does it work in FSX?

Finally, bought the FSX disc about 8 years ago. Is it still OK to use? Heard something about Steam Addition?


Sorry for so many questions, but although I am finding it difficult to part with FS9, I am equally excited to try FSX.

Any view on any of above Qs would be much appreciated.




Peter Bendl

ex. British Airways

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1. Yes, no, and it all depends!


2. Some FS9 addon scenery will work in FSX. It will be trial and error.


3. I use WOAI in the FS9 format in my FSX. If you want a combo of WOAI, Default aircraft, and and other FSX only AI, then you will need to redo the WOAI flightplans to FSX format.


4. Not sure but I think there is something similar for FSX.


5. Altitude callouts will have to be installed on each FSX aircraft that you want it on.


6. There are more effects in FSX than Carter has little liver pills.


7. You will need the FSX version of EditVoicePack.


8. You will need the FSX version of FSUIPC.


9. 8 years old?? It has probably turned to dust! Yes it should still work.


I charge $10 per answer. Will that be cash, check or credit card??;)

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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I'm a PC dummy and know zilch about the technical side of things, so can't offer any advice in that respect because I only know how to jump in the cockpit and slam open the throttle to make my little planes go wheeee!

I LURVED FS9 (aka FS2004) to bits, but when FSX came out I tried the demo and was hooked because the scenery seemed a little bit better, (especially trees and forests) so I bought an FSX Gold three-disk pack 8 years ago and have stuck with it ever since, these are my ancient disks-





Installing and running them on my several different PC's over the years under Win XP/ Win 7/ Win 8.1 was absolutely no problem. (I'm not getting Win 10 for a while yet because I don't need or want it).

If the disks ever get chewed up by a pitbull I'll simply buy FSX:SE (that's Steam Edition) by download without batting an eye because that's the latest version..;)


For the record, FSX was released in 3 editions in 2006 and 2007-


Deluxe (has a few extras)

Gold (same as Deluxe but also includes the Acceleration Pack)


and then in 2014 Steam Edition (FSX:SE) was released.

(SE is basically the same as Gold, but according to Dovetail Games who market it, "FSX:SE has a few tweaks that may improve performance for some users" and they also made it multiplayer via Steam)

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